JFYI: you can symlink any directory to the root on macOS. Makes it much more convenient if you write full paths often (e.g. /ws instead of /Users/tonsky/ws)
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@nikitonsky but is thine Antifa? or caca brain orange fentanyl family gone zone? ouch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo5rK23f3bg big joke haha fts Why “log in” is called “log in”? https://www.designcult.org/2011/08/why-do-we-call-in-logging-in.html
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@ifixcoinops What we are doing is obediently buying what is offered us from corporations that have no idea beyond making money here and now. Depressing. @ifixcoinops It seems like one big heat pump and some smart pipes could get it done. @ifixcoinops It seems to me rather more like an addiction than a plank in a political platform. I’m glad we got away from hard-coding colors in style attribute to much more reusable class attribute
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@nikitonsky @lucp and it is even supported, tempted to say encouraged, by the editor (VSCode I presume) even showing small colour-ui elements. If only there was a way to unambiguously reference any hour of a day using just one number. every time i see something i want to buy that i don't actually need, i keep looking at more and more expensive versions of the thing, and convincing myself that the cheap ones would be no good, until the only one i would be willing to buy is completely out of my price range, so i don't buy anything at all. i've saved a lot of money this way @nikitonsky That is acceptable to me, compared to text with sub- and/or superscript. Can't think of an example, however… @nikitonsky Or you can do like firefox does sometimes and have selections from adjacent lines overlap each other @nikitonsky perhaps it could highlight the whitespace characters in the selection? I.e. paragraph break is just two newlines. ↵ And a follow-up with some more #Clojure REPL ergonomics https://philomates.org/articles/2024-07-03-some-clojure-repl-ergonomics/ And a follow-up with some more #Clojure REPL ergonomics https://philomates.org/articles/2024-07-03-some-clojure-repl-ergonomics/ @philomates If I understood it correctly, it sounds similar to the notion of "examples" in Glamorous Toolkit: an example is a test that returns an object. Coupled with the rich system of inspectors GT (and Smalltalk) provides, it is an excellent way to explore (and document) a software system Inspired by @schickling demo for LocalFirst Conf (https://mastodon.online/@schickling@mas.to/112444495692425273), here’s the same for Humble UI
Have you ever wondered how to build desktop-class UIs in #Clojure without help of the browser? Make UI great again with Nikita Prokopov @nikitonsky at #heartofclojure https://2024.heartofclojure.eu/talks/making-ui-great-again-with-humble-ui/ |
The good thing about standards is that there are so many that each can have his or her own ;)
@nina_kali_nina https://xkcd.com/927/
You won't believe it, but in German and French it's another two totally different words.