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mau 🏳️‍🌈#PhaseOutFossilFuels

TIL: There's a measure of how physically tiring an activity is.

And it's useful for showing the advantage of having an ebike, and why people end up getting more exercise after getting ebikes - as they enable them to go on longer rides, and tackle steeper climbs.

It's not about going faster, but going further.


mau 🏳️‍🌈#PhaseOutFossilFuels

Anyways, that paper is interesting but it's not what I was looking for.

I was looking for this, because someone said bikes are "outdated" and it pissed me off.

Bikes are not outdated - what they are is undefeated.

No other machine, or animal, can go as far on so little as someone on a bike.


mau 🏳️‍🌈#PhaseOutFossilFuels

Nuclear took 20 years to reach 200GW, at a huge cost, causing several terrible accidents and producing a toxic waste that needs to be guarded for thousands of years.

Wind and solar reached 200GW in half the time for a fraction of the cost and without significant incidents.

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Christian Berger DECT 2763

@mzedp To be fair, solar and wind run less often at full rated power, so one would have to divide their power by a factor of perhaps 4 or so... but that wouldn't make a big change to the graph.


While I agree that wind and solar are great, we cannot pretend that these technologies aren't without their own problems. Wind turbines require a ton (literally 1 metric ton) of REE elements that are found in or associated with radioactive minerals like monazite and zircon.
This creates huge radioactive waste piles.
Everything has pros and cons, to be blind to the problems will lead us to create more environmental catastrophes in the rush to fix the current one.

While I agree that wind and solar are great, we cannot pretend that these technologies aren't without their own problems. Wind turbines require a ton (literally 1 metric ton) of REE elements that are found in or associated with radioactive minerals like monazite and zircon.
This creates huge radioactive waste piles.
Everything has pros and cons, to be blind to the problems will lead us to create more environmental catastrophes...

Daniel Brotherston

@mzedp I'm done with the green movement demonizing nuclear power. The green movement demonizing nuclear power in the 80s is the single greatest driver of climate change after the car.

mau 🏳️‍🌈#PhaseOutFossilFuels

People say "carbon capture is necessary" - it's not.

It's a pipe dream. A distraction cooked up by the fossil fuel lobby.

What we need is to stop burning fossil fuels.

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David Fleetwood Weirdly enough it seems nature is really good at carbon capture, but as usual supply siders do anything to push their agenda.


@mzedp well, we do need to stop burning fossil fuels.

that's not going to be good enough, however.

ramshackle absolutely. "green" hydrogen is another example.

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