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mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

People say "carbon capture is necessary" - it's not.

It's a pipe dream. A distraction cooked up by the fossil fuel lobby.

What we need is to stop burning fossil fuels.


@mzedp Unfortunately, we are beyond the point where the stopping of burning fossil fuels would have been enough, so we have to do both.

I agree that "carbon capture" is used as an excuse to continue burning fossil fuels orders of magnitude more than can mitigated by all the options for carbon capture combined.

mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

@Habrok42 I don't know what you mean by enough. Every gram of CO2 we don't put in the atmosphere helps, and we still have to do all we can to limit the harm. Doing everything possible to decrease fossil fuel use is a good first step.

Concerning carbon capture: that money is better spent on energy transition, electrification, climate resiliency investments.

Those are things that will meaningfully impact peoples livelihoods. Carbon capture won't. We're not going back to where we were.


@mzedp By "enough" I mean the following:
even if we stopped emitting fossil CO2 now worldwide, the planet would quite sure remain in a state not favorable for humans or even keep moving to less favorable states for some time (as indicated by all the weather extremes, jumps in ocean temperature and loss of sea ice this year).
To have a chance (depending on tipping points) of a climate favorable for humans in the long run, at least some of the CO2 has to be removed from the atmosphere.


@mzedp according to IPCC reports we will need CCS to limit temperature increase in all scenarios.

I agree with you, CCS should not prevent us to reduce now and drastically burning fossil fuels. It’s absolutely not a miracle technology.
But in the same time we will need it for industries where there are no alternatives, like cement factory or steel plant.

mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

@arkaon Localized CCS for specific industries is great.

Direct air capture is a money sink.


@mzedp fully agree.
It was always difficult to me to understand why people are investing in DAC.

Eric Lawton


There is at least one COβ‚‚ neutral process for cement.

And electric arc furnaces can replace coal for steel.


TrackerRoo :verified:

@mzedp Ban fossil fuels and sue corporations to cover the cleanup costs. We also need to ban petrolium based plastics and styrofoam


@TrackerRoo @mzedp absolutely. Same for petro derived fertilizers. The solution to climate change begins with conservation.


These are the same kind of people who think aliens in small craft traveled light-years to get here in a few days (only to crash land in New Mexico :eyeroll: ). They have no more understanding of the amount of CO2 we need to capture than the distance to the nearest habitable planet.



Just think, in the last 2 years they've almost captured 6 seconds of CO2 emissions. And that's the biggest project. The article says it's too expensive, but the problem is it's too slow. Way too slow.



4000 tons CO2 a year is a joke.
I think the trees in my neighborhood can clear that much.

As mau says, we need to stop burning fossil fuels. That is a sine qua non to saving the earth.

And we also need to stop destroying forests and instead replant as much as we can. Even that will take decades. But we don't have decades if we keep burning fossil fuels.

The Saanich Daily

@mzedp Carbon capture is necessary just like a mop is necessary to clean up when your bathtub over flows. The problem is first you need to actually turn the tap off (stop burning fossil fuels) before you reach for the mop.

Randy Orrison

@mzedp You're very right that we need to stop burning fossil carbon, but it wouldn't hurt to *also* stop destroying the self-replicating biological carbon capture systems we already have.

mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

@rorrison Trees are great, but they're nowhere near enough. If we stop all emissions today, it'll still take them tens of thousands of years to sequester all that CO2.

lyra. 🏴

i wonder if they imagine carbon capture technology to be like pacman on the carbon. just able to chomp it all up, before the ghosts (of floods & drought & heat death) come to get us.

.... when really, carbon capture can just be grasses and forests and intact ecosystems. but nooooooooo, these fools cld never acknowledge nature does what it needs to πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Zorin =^o.o^=

@mzedp Problem is we've reached a point where it's obvious they're not going to stop burning fossil fuels.

Since that's pretty much impossible, we're looking at other solutions like carbon capture and geoengineering.

We have to do SOMETHING. And as much as I'd like us to stop burning fossil fuels, it's just not happening without a massive, world-wide revolution which will cause just as much if not more suffering than climate change.


@mzedp and reforestation + human population decreasing.

Lien Rag


Natural carbon capture is not a pipe dream, it's the basis of life on earth...

mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

@MatthewKay @luana Nah, EV's are fine actually.

Batteries aren't great but can be recycled and they are infinitely better than fossil fuels. Sustainable, being the key.

Current designs of EVs are dumb because car manufacturers have been trying to copy fuel burning cars, but hopefully they'll wise up soon and make some sensible EVs.


@mzedp @luana What about the infrastructure that supports these vehicles? Granted the batteries can be recycled, but the devastation to the environment in acquiring the elements to initially make the batteries is unacceptable. Plus tires and all the particles thrown into the air by them is a serious health hazard. Should I continue? No EV’s are not an option. It all has to start with #degrowth

mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

@MatthewKay @luana The infrastructure is not a problem.

It can be improved, and the load is not going to be equal to the peak load produced by every car. It's manageable.

Plus, not everyone will be driving a car, god willing.

The resources needed are also not a limitation.

I don't believe in "degrowth" except "degrowth" of fossil fuels.


@mzedp @luana Car manufacturers wise up? That’s hilarious πŸ˜‚



What we need is to stop burning fossil fuels.


@mzedp β€˜pipe’ dream, pun intended? πŸ€” like pipeline dream… *smh *smh

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:


We need both. CO2 has a 30 year delay. The heat we're feeling now is due to fuel we burned in the 90s, and our fuel use has grown exponentially since then. We both need to stop burning fuel AND lower atmospheric CO2 ppm.

David Fleetwood Weirdly enough it seems nature is really good at carbon capture, but as usual supply siders do anything to push their agenda.


@mzedp well, we do need to stop burning fossil fuels.

that's not going to be good enough, however.

mau πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ#PhaseOutFossilFuels

@ellenor2000 It's the single biggest thing we can do. Everything else pales in comparison.


@mzedp Everything else will be useless if we don't do thing 1.

ramshackle absolutely. "green" hydrogen is another example.

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