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125 posts total
Cat News

For some reason the human stayed in bed in the morning, and Charlie (Montana, USA) decided to walk all over them… for motivation. The sun could rise any time now, clearly they needed to get up and seize the day. Alternatively he would accept an early breakfast.

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A cartoon of a tabby cat standing on a person who is lying in bed. The person has their arm protectively covering their face.
Cat News

When the human is writing, Lydia (Greater London, UK) has come to understand this is actually a game, and the goal is for her to get the pen out of her human’s hand. The game been getting much easier lately though, because her human has been giving Lydia her own pen at the start.

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A cartoon of a white cat chewing on a blue pen.


ah yes, the Bic-sacrifice to protect the fountain pen (and fingers)


@cat_news Where's the challenge it that, though?


@cat_news plot twist: Lydia is soon to be an award winning writer…

Cat News

There has been some consternation in the house about whether or not the humans are going to forget dinner time. Doug (Somerset, UK) has been doing his best to allay this concern by running over to his food bowl every time the humans stand up or move.

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A cartoon of a black cat pointing at an empty turquoise cat food bowl.
Cat News

Pippin (BC, Canada) has decided the best place to be right now is inside a paper bag. It’s hard to tell if it’s comfortable, but his humans aren’t going to question it.

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A cartoon of a fluffy, tabby and white cat with its head and tail sticking out of a paper bag lying on its side.
Cat News

While a cat sitter was staying over, Bumble (Buckinghamshire, UK) went to drink in her nightly place only to find it full of water. She was not impressed with the sitter having to dry her off and the excuse that the sitter had been taking a bath! What she should be doing was turning the tap on just enough for Bumble to have a drink from.

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A cartoon of an extremely wet and dripping black cat.

@cat_news Hopefully, the sitter is trainable and won't make that mistake again.

Cat News

It has been pouring for days. Miranda (Lombardy, Italy) is quite surprised by the fact that it’s raining both out of the back door and the front door. Uncanny.

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A cartoon of a white cat standing in a doorway staring up at the rain.
CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@cat_news Has Miranda tried meowing excessively at the human for them to make it stop?

Cat News

Marlowe (Buckinghamshire, UK) is exhausted, and has had to take a huge nap after watching her human cleaning the house. So much movement she had to observe. Truly her human needs to slow down.

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A cartoon of a silver tabby cat sleeping contentedly.
Cat News

Ketzeleh (USA) raced to the scene immediately to help with cleanup after a kitchen accident scattered a bowl of crunchies on the floor. She did not rest until every last crunchie was accounted for, in her tummy.

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A cartoon of a very fluffy black and white cat lickung its lips andsitting surrounded by crunchies cereal.
Cat News

Teddy (Pennsylvania, USA) unfortunately has b-cell lymphoma. But recent scans show his tumors are shrinking from the treatment!!! He will need to get radiation and then chemotherapy, but he is tolerating the chemo very well. Please cross your fingers that this little bean stays around for another 15 years.


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A cartoon of a tabby cat laid out on the floor, with one paw stretching out into a sunbeam.
Cat News

Miranda's humans have finally returned from their mysterious ten-day "adventure," leaving her in the paws of a mere caretaker. Upon their arrival, she immediately demanded an extra-long grooming session and insisted on her favorite dinner—served at a most unconventional hour. However, Miranda (Lombardy, Italy) is not about to forgive and forget so easily. Expect her to be grumpy for days to come. How dare they abandon her like this!

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A cartoon of a white cat with amber eyes looking extremely grumpy. Next to her are a food bowl and a hairbrush.
Cat News

Richie (New South Wales, Australia) has written in specifically to tell his human that he has sharpened his claws on the sofa. He is ready for anything that today throws at him and so are you.

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A cartoon of a black cat sharpening its claws on a light blue sofa.
Cat News

Nibbler (Alberta, Canada) has rediscovered his little bird toy, and has been asking his humans to play over and over again. He’s had it for ages, but apparently now it is good again.

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A cartoon of a cow patterned cat playing with a colourful bird-toy.
Cat News

The humans have bought Dodi (Quebec, Canada) a doormat! She loves it. The humans just put it down and went on with things, but Dodi has been marvelling over it and likes to sit on it for hours.

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A cartoon of a tabby cat sitting like a loaf of bread on a blue cicle-patterned mat.
Cat News

TC (Buckinghamshire UK) was happy soaking up the sun on the picnic table when one of his humans came and sat next to him. To his horror they started to stroke him ruining is outdoor street cred. Heroically, TC moved sun spots to the other end of the table with his back turned to his human. That should teach them.

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A cartoon of the back of a tabby cat sitting in a sunbeam at the end of a table.
Cat News

Maximilian (Max, Nagoya Japan), doesn't care how weird it looks when he sleeps with his front legs and back legs facing in opposite directions. In fact, he says sleeping with your body twisted through 180 degrees is the most comfortable way to snooze.

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A cartoon of a silver tabby cat sleeping with its front legs twisted to face 180 degrees from its back legs.
Cat News

Francine (Ontario, Canada) has been trying to look cute to convince her human to give her dinner early. When that didn’t work she tried complaining. That strategy didn’t last either though because she got distracted by birds outside the window. She doesn’t have the focus to remember her plans.

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A cartoon of a grey cat staring off into space.
Cat News

Missy (Greater London, UK) loves snack time, and eats her snack up super fast. Then afterwards she likes to take her time and make her human stand there, hand outstretched, while she licks up every last piece of snack dust from their fingers.

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A cartoon of a fluffy black and white cat licking a person's fingers.
Cat News

The furniture has had a little rearrange, and now Pippin (BC, Canada) has decided it is actually an obstacle course just for him. He has been leaping between things and chasing his toys across them for days now.

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A cartoon of a tabby and white Maine Coon cat leaping between pieces of furniture.
Cat News

Audrey (Vancouver, BC) is not a fan of human summer outfits: compared to jeans, cut-offs leave too much bare skin for their laps to look as comfortable. It was a major concession this week when she decided to watch TV sitting in her mom’s lap anyway. “The experience turned out to be acceptable,” said Miss Audrey.

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A cartoon of a tabby cat considering the lap of a human wearing cutoff jeans.
Cat News

Keiran (Lancashire, UK) smelled some very nice smells from the dinner table and went to investigate. In fact he got far too close to the takeaway food that had just been put up there and the humans were forced to intervene.

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A cartoon of a tabby cat investigating a bowl of food with a lid on.
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