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119 posts total
Simon Willison

My first update to Niche Museums in a while... the Vincent and Ethel Simonetti Historic Tuba Collection in Durham, North Carolina!

I went with a group of five during this year's DjangoCon US 2024 - it was utterly delightful

Simon Willison

Sent out he latest issue of my newsletter - everything from my blog for the last two weeks turns out to be quite a lot of stuff this time round

Simon Willison

Llama 3.2 is out, and it's a much more substantial release than the 3.1 to 3.2 version bump might indicate

Four new models, including Meta's first two vision models (11B and 90B) and two new text-only small models (1B and 3B)

My notes so far:

Simon Willison

You can try out the vision models on by navigating to "Direct Chat" and then selecting those models from the dropdown menu

Simon Willison

here's some home-brewed software for ya; personal image search using @simon's llm-clip in a little wee webpage flask thingy. And you could run it on your own customized version of CLIP too, if you really dug into things.

Shawn Graham

maybe I'll try to figure out how to make that thing into a little wee electron app.

Simon Willison

Gergely Orosz has a new podcast, and I was the guest for the first episode: "AI tools for software engineers, but without the hype" newsletter.pragmaticengineer.c

We covered a bunch of ground, but my favorite topic was an exploration of the (very legitimate) reasons that many engineers are resistant to taking advantage of AI-assisted programming tools.

Simon Willison

Here's a detailed write-up of my new project: DJP: A plugin system for Django - which I introduced yesterday at #djangoconUS


@simon So reading this, it's basically Django Apps without the manual fiddling to integrate?

Simon Willison

New in DJP 0.2: @carlton suggested it would be useful if plugins could say “this middleware needs to be inserted directly before/after this other middleware” - that’s now supported:

djp.Position("my_plugin.middleware.MyPluginMiddleware", before="django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware")

Simon Willison

I'm really impressed by nanodjango (by @radiac, presented in a lightning talk at #djangoconUS just now) - it's the latest in a long line of attempts to have Django work for Flask-style single file apps but it's got WAY more features than previous attempts I've seen, like model and admin support and even async

My notes here:

nanodjango docs and tutorial:

Simon Willison

The getting started fits in a single image

Michael Morisy

@simon @radiac Oh that's awesome! Will have to kick the tires for the next project in that scope I try. Flask has been my default but this looks great.


@simon @radiac I came across this a few weeks back. Really impressive package for throwing together ideas with the features to then expand into a fully fledged project if you need to.

Simon Willison

Pretty cool that the Django Software Foundation is about 1/3 funded by individual donors (from a @jacob talk at DjangoCon US)

Simon Willison

Jacob’s talk is exploring what the DSF could do if revenue quadrupled from $250,000/year to $1,000,000/year

Simon Willison

It's the ten year anniversary of XKCD 1425, one of the all-time greats and one that resonates slightly differently today. Wrote up some notes on that here:

Matt May

@simon 10 years later, this is basically my job now.

Richard Rutter

@simon I do find it incredible that I don't find it incredible that I can take a crappy photo of a bird and very quickly get the bird identified (using pre-AI-hype google image search for example)

Mikołaj Hołysz

@simon To be honest, the fact that we now have this power is extremely scary, and I don't think we're seeing the ramifications just yet.

Tech companies will soon have the ability to scan every picture we send, every article we write and every conversation we have, in a way that can't easily be beaten by euphemisms or thinly-veiled references.

The obvious use cases are fighting CSAM, fighting spam, child safety, censoring all evidence of protests and finding everybody who expresses anti-government sentiments. The non-obvious use cases, which are, in many ways, even scarrier, are ensuring that people don't break platform rules.

Think "dating app where you can chat for free, but the app will ban you if you try to meet up IRL without paying a fee first."

This gives tech platforms weird powers and business models they never had before.

This won't affect Whats App (as long as end-to-end encryption holds), but it will definitely affect Tinder, Airbnb, Craigslist, Instagram, Uber, eBay etc.

@simon To be honest, the fact that we now have this power is extremely scary, and I don't think we're seeing the ramifications just yet.

Tech companies will soon have the ability to scan every picture we send, every article we write and every conversation we have, in a way that can't easily be beaten by euphemisms or thinly-veiled references.

Simon Willison

New TIL: How streaming LLM APIs work

I put together some notes after poking around with the OpenAI, Anthropic and Google Gemini streaming APIs

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@simon Great post, Simon.

Do you have any idea why all 3 providers use POST and not GET that would work with the EventSource API?

Stefan Eissing

@simon Nice.

Little note: on a recent curl, you can POST JSON with `curl --json <string>, saving the header setting.
Also, `--no-buffer` should no longer be necessary.

Update: `--no-buffer` always `fflush()`es the output in curl. So it might still be beneficiary.

Simon Willison

If you don’t have an unhealthy TikTok habit with the right algorithmic history it’s possible you are unaware of Pesto, the unbelievably chunky baby King penguin at the Melbourne Aquarium

Pesto weighs 21kg now - that’s more than our dog!

(That video is a bit out of date, Pesto has now been confirmed as male)

Simon Willison

I was on another podcast! TWIML - This Week in Machine Learning & AI - where we mainly talked about using LLMs to help with programming

I extracted and edited a couple of sections from the episode transcript, about the difference between exploratory and production coding with LLMs plus some more notes on prototyping

Simon Willison

"If you go to a meeting with five people, and you’ve got a working prototype, the conversation will be so much more informed than if you go in with an idea and a whiteboard sketch.

I’ve always been a prototyper, but I feel like the speed at which I can prototype things in the past 12 months has gone up by an order of magnitude.

[...] I can tap a thing into my phone, and 30 seconds later, I’ve got a user interface in Claude Artifacts that illustrates the idea that I’m trying to explore."


@simon I found this episode quite entertaining and informative, thanks

#genAI #LLMs

Simon Willison

Things I’ve learned serving on the board of the Python Software Foundation

If you’re curious about what the PSF is and how it works, here’s much of what I’ve figured out so far @ThePSF

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Evan der Ausländer

@simon That was really interesting! I love this kind of behind-the-scenes look at critical institutional structures we rarely think about

Simon Willison

This is one of my favorite genres of blog post: the article I wish I’d been able to read myself


Oh lord of the rings, this resonates so much with my experience of a former board member of @gnome

Many insightful takes in this post, I definitely think GNOME and the PSF should try to work together more

@simon @ThePSF

Simon Willison

Has there ever been a better pre-credit sequence than the 20 minute Spider-Gwen story at the start of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse?

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Fabian N. T. 🦆

@simon Not many, probably. Should have won an Academy Award for animation, imho. I was literally watching with my mouth open when I saw it at the cinema.

jake lazaroff

@simon fully co-signed +“self love” by coi leray and metro boomin is an absolutely perfect soundtrack to that opening

Simon Willison

OK, I _swear_ I didn’t do this on purpose but PDF sucks so bad as a publishing format that the easiest way to build search traffic to a website turns out to be republishing information that’s otherwise locked up in a PDF

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Jeremiah Lee

@simon Most of my PDF creation is solving the “how do I save the current content of a webpage as a single file and not just an image” problem.

SingleFile <> and/or MHTML <> should be more universal than they are.

Mark T. Tomczak

@simon I actually wonder if it's a technical challenge issue.

There are so many ways to create a PDF that's readable to humans and illegible to computers that it's much, much easier to make something search-engine-friendly in HTML format. Even in the case of Google where, I imagine, they can OCR that shit, that pipeline's gotta be more of a bottleneck than interpreting token-stripped HTML because it just costs more resources to transform images of text.

And that's before we factor in the human element: Google still gets signal on popularity from clicks, and if I see a PDF in the wild, my default response is "No thank you; I do not want this information in likely-unsearchable page-by-page form that'll be harder to consume than a plain web page."

@simon I actually wonder if it's a technical challenge issue.

There are so many ways to create a PDF that's readable to humans and illegible to computers that it's much, much easier to make something search-engine-friendly in HTML format. Even in the case of Google where, I imagine, they can OCR that shit, that pipeline's gotta be more of a bottleneck than interpreting token-stripped HTML because it just costs more resources to transform images of text.

Simon Willison

I'm always interested in exposure to management advice from unconventional sources... and there's a leaked PDF floating around called "HOW TO SUCCEED IN MRBEAST PRODUCTION" which appears to be the onboarding document for new members of the MrBeast YouTube production company

It's 36 pages long, so I put together some of my own notes from reading it here:

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Simon Willison

One of my favourite documents in this genre remains "THE ELEVEN LAWS OF SHOWRUNNING", about how to run production of a TV show

It's unintentionally a fantastic guide to being an engineering manager, or startup founder, or indeed any role where you need a bunch of different creative people to understand and work together to bring about a creative vision:

Chris Adams

@simon I always find things from the entertainment industry interesting because they have a very different definition of done than we do. Nobody is expecting changes to a video which is a month old, much less 10 years old, and that’s such a different concept than most software projects have.


@simon I found this an interesting read from a management point of view. I don’t launch people into space but have found value in the ideas around planning and testing.

Simon Willison

I think what a lot of people miss is that if you have a commit-sized piece of work in mind, there's a very good chance that you can get an LLM to do it in under a minute

you don't have to be an AI True Believer to see how this changes what an experienced programmer can do!

Simon Willison

Just ran across this quote, it’s fun to know that the fence posts on what counts as “intelligence” in AI have been consistently in motion since at least 1979!

On my blog:

Source on Internet Archive:

I heard about it on this Wikipedia page on the “AI effect”:

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Jordan B. L. Smith

@simon Maybe the issue isn't the fence-post-movers (people saying "this isn't intelligent yet"), but the fence-post-planters: i.e., those boldly offering a definition of intelligence, usually one that depends on performing a given task.

The "is it AI yet?" game may be decades old now, but the game of defining measures of intelligence that turn out to be naive and/or racist is much older, as Stephen J. Gould describes in The Mismeasure of Man.


@simon This reflects the difficulty of defining "intelligence". When a previously-unsolved problem is solved via a method that is clearly ad hoc, the field naturally moves the goal posts. Problem-by-problem, we discover what is easy and what is hard for computers.

John Abbe (aka Slow)

@simon I remember when the idea was the computer couldn't learn. That one never made sense to me at all, even on simple computers you can write a program that seems to learn as it goes.

Being introduced to computing by terminal and then PC, I didn't understand that up to that time, most programmers had probably been working on batch processing of data, having put the human "computers" out of work.

Simon Willison

Here's everything I've figured out about the new OpenAI o1 family of models so far

Simon Willison

And a new release of LLM that adds support for those models - for anyone lucky enough to have a tier 5 OpenAI API account at least

Jonathan Moore

@simon o1 gets my unbirthday question which none of OpenAI's other models have: "Do all people have the same number of unbirthdays?"


@simon the "Limit additional context in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)" and "Hidden reasoning tokens" seem to be contradictory, or at least at odds: reduce the context, but you cannot use any reasoning tokens that came up while deciding what was and wasn't relevant.
I've been trying to find ways to improve rag index vectors, effectively trying to extract some internal state from a model as a sort-of pre-compiled version of the text - and these hidden reasoning tokens seem to be exactly related to what I'm looking for, but nope we're not allowed to see'm !

@simon the "Limit additional context in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)" and "Hidden reasoning tokens" seem to be contradictory, or at least at odds: reduce the context, but you cannot use any reasoning tokens that came up while deciding what was and wasn't relevant.
I've been trying to find ways to improve rag index vectors, effectively trying to extract some internal state from a model as a sort-of pre-compiled version of the text - and these hidden reasoning tokens seem to be exactly related...

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