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Simon Willison

Wrote up some notes on Clay, a fascinating ~2,000 line dependency-free C layout engine project that can be (inadvisably) run via WebAssembly to define the front-end of a website entirely in C

Matt Campbell


> and it's not clear to me what the accessibility implications are.

The accessibility implications are as serious as you might guess. The links aren't properly labeled, there's no semantic markup such as headings, and since there's a div for every line, continuous reading with a screen reader is choppy, that is, it pauses at the end of every physical line.

Simon Willison

@matt thanks for clarifying, I added a quote from your post to my article

Tymscar :linux:

@simon Another thing that is annoying about it is that on mobile if you have extensions to darken the page, they don’t work when in the canvas version.
Also selecting text and images is just not really possible.
It’s not the way I’d like the web to go, BUT it’s a very interesting project nonetheless!

Beady Belle Fanchannel

@simon I mean yes, but blind people hate this trick

the clay-generated html, a bunch of `div`s with attributes that paint things as they should be displayed (no ARIA tags)
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