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Delta Wye


“The toppings contain potassium benzoate!”
“That’s bad.”

Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

Wow, that has blown up. I posted it just before going to bed thinking that a few people may like it, woke up and it has 400 boosts and 800 favorites. 😀

Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

Paper Plane (formerly Telegrand) is a really nice #Telegram client. It still misses a lot of features of the official client, but if you're fine with that, it gives you really great native experience on #Linux. And it works great on phones, too!

You can find it in the beta channel on #Flathub.

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Josh 🐧 ☕ 🇬🇧

Do you know if they overcame the shared api key issue? I got a warning when I tried it that I might get banned due to this restriction.

Evv1L (Эвил)

@sesivany is this a Telegram client without memory leaking issues? :blobcat3c:

Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

I keep hearing that #Mastodon is not likely to replace #Twitter. To that I say: so what?
I've been contributing to the #Linux desktop for the last 15 years not because it's likely to replace #Windows, but because providing people with free desktop is the right thing to do.
I use and support Mastodon not because it's likely to replace Twitter, but because it's a social network done right.

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Robin Metcalfe 🍪

@sesivany It’s a good analogy but also imagine if Windows started to get significantly worse over time. Despite criticisms it’s still currently a very capable OS - but imagine if that changed, I’d assume many people currently on the fence would start to consider Linux more seriously, myself included

(edit: not meaning Linux isn't a serious OS, it absolutely is. Rather I'd consider it seriously for my own use cases)

Steve Parrington

@sesivany I am a person who has tooted this and what I've found after hanging out here for a bit is that I actually enjoy #mastodon so much more. It's just so much less stressful. I understand the existing community's anxieties around the birdsite exodus. I hope the total numbers end up being manageable.

katherine montalto

@sesivany wanting to find more information and community on open source software is how I found my way to mastodon in the first place.

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