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10 posts total
Two Teks in a trench coat

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

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Jobu Tupaki


YES! this is a huge issue for me. ADHD diagnosis escalated my exhausted annoyance at flashing ads and wiggling UI elements, up to an indignant outrage at the arrogant robbery of my precious limited attention. it very literally impairs my ability to function with digital interfaces β€” and i'm an information technologist! i can't imagine surviving these days without uBlock Origin's element zapper rules.


I've been calling advertising a form of psychological warfare for years. Can we get advertising executives and executives of ad-funded big tech charged with crimes against humanity and tried in the ICC?

It's too bad you can't try a corporation and give it the death sentence, because there's a good case to be made for doing that to advertising companies, including Google and Facebook.

Two Teks in a trench coat

Sam Altman's eye-scanning Worldcoin banned in Spain | Reuters

Well done, Spain. Worldcoin always seemed like a The Onion parody of something so ridiculous that it couldn't possibly be real.

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@tek Misread that as "eye-scamming". Or did I?


@tek The current crop of "tech geniuses" do a really great job of making otherwise cartoonish movie villains seem totally believable.

Veronica Olsen πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ‡³πŸ‡΄πŸŒ»

@tek If only it was a parody, it would be fine. But it is instead a scam preying on people looking for a way out of poverty.

Two Teks in a trench coat

I’m currently reading β€œMoby Dick”. I’m reminded how I loathe the way so much classic literature is taught in most schools. This book, the poster child of huge, boring slogs, is *so freaking good*.

Two Teks in a trench coat

Tek Jr's house has a blind kitty that’s been hanging out with them for many years. #Caturday

Two Teks in a trench coat

For my #admin colleagues: I added a "technical details" section to my blog post about the Free Radical changes I made over the weekend to deal with the increased server load. It has config file code you can copy and paste to help scale your Sidekiq processes to handle more queued tasks.

It's at . Hope this helps someone!

Steven Zekowski

@tek Ha! I thought those were the technical details ;-)

And I was proud I understood some of it.

Humbling experiences are good.

Carey Lening

@tek ooof. After reading that, my thoughts of setting up a mastodon server are now a bit dashed. I hear Pleroma is less...*waves wildly* all that... Have you any thoughts?

Two Teks in a trench coat

Pollito is recovering from his adventure on this fine #Caturday.

Vertigo #$FF

@tek May he continue to pick up all the signals from space.


@tek I am legit sofa king relieved about this!

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