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Two Teks in a trench coat

Sam Altman's eye-scanning Worldcoin banned in Spain | Reuters

Well done, Spain. Worldcoin always seemed like a The Onion parody of something so ridiculous that it couldn't possibly be real.

Lyle Solla-Yates

@tek “Worldcoin is backed by some of the most prominent venture capital names, including a16z crypto and Bain Capital Crypto.” Admittedly I don’t pay attention to the VC world, but do all of the most prominent VC names include the word “crypto?”


@tek Misread that as "eye-scamming". Or did I?


@tek The current crop of "tech geniuses" do a really great job of making otherwise cartoonish movie villains seem totally believable.

Two Teks in a trench coat

@funnymonkey True that. Like, grown adults sat around and this was the best idea they came up with.

Subtetra Lectic

@funnymonkey @tek somehow this conversation is reminiscent of sin city.

Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻

@tek If only it was a parody, it would be fine. But it is instead a scam preying on people looking for a way out of poverty.

Two Teks in a trench coat

@veronica Indeed. It's awful. I'm glad Spain and other countries are blocking it at the national level.

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