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2 posts total
Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

Being depressed and isolated is such a self fulfilling prophecy.

It leaves you with no energy to be supportive, kind, a good friend, a decent person... Which then makes the people around you who care eventually leave.

I can't describe how bad it was for me when I was in that space, and how many people I've walked away from lately now that I'm doing just good enough.

It's like being dehydrated, which prompts your body to reject liquids which in turn makes stuff worse.

If you are in that space, I beg you to find even a little bit of energy somehow to sip that water. I know people suck but don't burn your remaining support network just as you need it

Being depressed and isolated is such a self fulfilling prophecy.

It leaves you with no energy to be supportive, kind, a good friend, a decent person... Which then makes the people around you who care eventually leave.

I can't describe how bad it was for me when I was in that space, and how many people I've walked away from lately now that I'm doing just good enough.


@adora This is as equally true as those who need water given to them.

You ought to be helped, but also given the dignity to help yourself.

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