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Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

Being depressed and isolated is such a self fulfilling prophecy.

It leaves you with no energy to be supportive, kind, a good friend, a decent person... Which then makes the people around you who care eventually leave.

I can't describe how bad it was for me when I was in that space, and how many people I've walked away from lately now that I'm doing just good enough.

It's like being dehydrated, which prompts your body to reject liquids which in turn makes stuff worse.

If you are in that space, I beg you to find even a little bit of energy somehow to sip that water. I know people suck but don't burn your remaining support network just as you need it


@adora This is as equally true as those who need water given to them.

You ought to be helped, but also given the dignity to help yourself.

Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

@Zenith for sure.
The metaphor does break down a little though.

I get it. I don't blame either side. It's shit to have to beg constantly for stuff, to feel alone, to feel hopeless. I want nothing more than to help those people.

But I can't really push people to associate with someone in a toxic pushing people away spiral.

It's desperately hard to be in someone's life who turns every conversation into a fight, who intentionally does hurtful things, who lashes out when good things happen....

It's a lot to ask from people and the kind of people who stayed as long as they did are probably at the end of their ability already.

I wish I could fix things. I hate leaving people in distress. But I can't help people who won't let me come close enough to.

So yeah, that's kind of my plea - hoping people can find just enough faith in humanity, for a moment, to let help in through the door.

@Zenith for sure.
The metaphor does break down a little though.

I get it. I don't blame either side. It's shit to have to beg constantly for stuff, to feel alone, to feel hopeless. I want nothing more than to help those people.

But I can't really push people to associate with someone in a toxic pushing people away spiral.


@adora Here is a non-analogy then:

There is someone in jail who is dehydrated and needs water. I would not say their isolation is a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I read everything up to its maximum and believe that.

There are no sides.

We are all victims.

And I don't recognize your post as the subtoot it is, because given this is a public form I will hold all ideas with the same accuntability as I do reverence.

Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

@Zenith for sure. It's not really a subtoot as much as sadness.
Like yeah, a toot kicked it off this time, but it's not really about her.

I have so many friends who are desperately hurting and I'm doing my best

I agree we're all victims here. I'm just so damn sad to see anyone suffer.

I wish I could help more

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