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20 posts total
arturo182 βœ…

#jlcpcb has now officially announced the multi-color silkscreen service.

I've had access to it for about a week and have been working on a @kicad plugin. It almost kinda works now 😁

arturo182 βœ…

Made a Windows 95 CD-ROM drive icon in #picoCAD πŸ˜„

arturo182 βœ…

* declares rotation as uint8_t *
* sets rotation to 270 *
* it doesn't work *

Shawn Hymel

@arturo182 🀣🀣🀣 I’ve done this, too…and it gets me every time. I think I need to make a fail badge for it!

arturo182 βœ…

If Elon sold Twitter, would you go back to it?

Anonymous poll


0 people voted.
Voting ended 11 January at 18:19.

@arturo182 i can't go back to Twitter, i had never used it

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arturo182 βœ…

For those saying 1 shower a day is too much: no, y'all are stinky, take a shower!

Purple :verified:


"A shower a day is too much". you are walking around the place the whole day please shower 😭

"But I don't smell", you probably do but everyone is just being polite. Shower please!! It's good hygiene when you're out and about

arturo182 βœ…

Good job everypony, keep the content coming #37c3

arturo182 βœ…

Cameras at #37c3 are learning about the community's hands-on approach to privacy.

Andrew Zonenberg

@arturo182 I've always thought that American hackers were absolutely insane for talking about privacy while having DEF CON in a Vegas casino. Where you can't pick your nose without being filmed in 4k from at least three different angles.

arturo182 βœ…

JLCPCB sent me a sample of their upcoming full-color silkscreen service and the quality is really impressive!

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Nice. Have they talked about file formats at all? Not sure how we will handle this with tools like kicad.


@arturo182 I've seen a bunch of samples with this process, and it is very impressive.

If you're interested in more details, there's a link to the WeChat discussion group at the bottom of the EasyEDA page describing how to use color silkscreen:



Looks great!
I can't wait to have a set myself :ablobcatbongoveryslow:

arturo182 βœ…

Windows 7 (2009) is now as old as Windows 95 (1995) was when 7 was released...

Kurt Kremitzki

@arturo182 hmm, I should probably upgrade my laptop...

Luke Wren

@arturo182 Please, not this and Crysis on the same day

arturo182 βœ…

Is anyone from Sweden/Denmark/Norway driving to #cccamp23 #cccamp2023 and maybe has two seats available? :)

Russell Davis

@arturo182 1 seat for you & 1 for all your solderpaty stuff?

Kresten Laust

@arturo182 I just learned about CCC yesterday, it sounds awesome. Though I have classes at that time this year :/

Good luck with going there!

arturo182 βœ…

therapist: the extra-long micro USB isn't real, it can't hurt you

extra-long micro USB:

Luke Bonaccorsi

@arturo182 If you keep staring at it, it keeps getting longer

aekis projects

@arturo182 Ohh, I would need that, I have taken a knife to way to many overmouldings on micro-usb cables because they wouldn't fit through the case of my phone :D

arturo182 βœ…

The animation in #PussInBootsTheLastWish is absolutely amazing, they saw Into the Spiderverse and Arcane and just went with it.

arturo182 βœ…

ESP32-P4 - Espressif's first Wi-Fi and BLE-free SoC is quite a powerhouse!

Dual-core high-perf. RISC-V@400MHz, and a single-core low-perf. RISC-V@40MHz, 768KB RAM, MIPI CSI and DSI, CAM, LCD, Ethernet, SDIO, USB 😳

#espressif #esp32


@arturo182 There was a website that tracked the dates like this but I can't remember for the life of me what the URL was

arturo182 βœ…

Who needs drugs when you can just be on 5h of sleep multiple days in a row.


@arturo182 I don't know if it's better for it health tho 😐

Alexey Skobkin

I hope drugs are better because I don't like hot it feels when you don't have enough sleep.


@arturo182 destroying social media monopoly is hard and thankless work. Elon Musk sacrifice large amount of his money and reputation to do what should be done. Willingly or unwillingly (:

arturo182 βœ…

The CRUMB Circuit Simulator that released on Steam a few days ago is really fun! Here's one of the built-in examples: a binary adder.

arturo182 βœ…

Since on Mastodon there's a higher chance of non-followers seeing this, I might as well do an #introduction :)

Hi, I'm Arturo, I tinker with #electronics, #pcb, #kicad, #firmware, #opensource, #openhardware

I'm the founder of a company named Solder Party, if you're in the electronics community, you might've seen my stuff. Everything I release is open source, SW and HW.

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ᡒᡏ wakest

@arturo182 oh wow hey Arturo! glad to see you on this side! Love your work!


Hi,I am Oli,
Maybe I would ask you for some help in future. I try to develop an #OpenHarware #Velomobil, but I donΒ΄t have experience in publishing and what license to choose.

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