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@arturo182 🤔 what does the e stands for in e621

arturo182 ✅

@uint8_t Google says it's the e number for MSG. "So the site is meant to be an addictive flavor enhancer for your life."


@arturo182 I'm sorry but (and I've been criticized by this already) with some places with water problems and even droughts, a shower every day is sometimes unnecessary; specially in winter.

arturo182 ✅

@gulthaw ah, so that explains the smells I've been smelling around congress

arturo182 ✅

@lightninhopkins ah, so that explains the smells I've been smelling around congress

DeltaLima 🐧

@arturo182 following this steps is the best furryour experience!


@arturo182 i will never forgive my friends who forced me to learn what this means


@arturo182 Well… it seems this is a valid url and there is a real website behind: "E621 is a mature furry imageboard." 😆 (I was a bit surprised by the "you must be over 18" message)

arturo182 ✅

For those saying 1 shower a day is too much: no, y'all are stinky, take a shower!


@arturo182 who is saying this. i will destroy them.



częste mycie
skraca życie
skóra się ściera
i człowiek umiera

Purple :verified:


"A shower a day is too much". you are walking around the place the whole day please shower 😭

"But I don't smell", you probably do but everyone is just being polite. Shower please!! It's good hygiene when you're out and about

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