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20 posts total
David Wilson

The FSF @fsf just posted an interview with me about the role of community in free software projects:

Wait till they learn it's just me talking to 100 of my closest sock puppet accounts... 😸

In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to giving a keynote about this topic at LibrePlanet 2024 next week!

#freesoftware #gnu

David Wilson

I recently opened registration for the April iteration of the "Hands-On Guile Scheme for Beginners" course!

This is an 8-week course that is a mixture of on-demand learning content, live Q&A sessions, practical exercises, and a private forum where I answer all your questions.

This iteration officially begins on April 20th, full details and schedule can be found here:

Come learn Scheme and functional programming with us!

#gnu #guile #scheme #programming

I recently opened registration for the April iteration of the "Hands-On Guile Scheme for Beginners" course!

This is an 8-week course that is a mixture of on-demand learning content, live Q&A sessions, practical exercises, and a private forum where I answer all your questions.

This iteration officially begins on April 20th, full details and schedule can be found here:

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

Popper is one if the greatest QoL packages in Emacs. I tend to put eshell, helpful, and erc buffers in popper for quick out-of-the-way access. Thanks @karthink for such a great package.

David Wilson

I just opened up registration for the March iteration of the "Hands-On Guile Scheme for Beginners" course!

This is an 8-week course that is a mixture of on-demand learning content, live Q&A sessions, practical exercises, and a private forum where I answer all your questions. We had a great time in the February iteration so I'm looking forward to running it again!

Come learn Scheme and functional programming with us!

#gnu #guile #scheme #programming

I just opened up registration for the March iteration of the "Hands-On Guile Scheme for Beginners" course!

This is an 8-week course that is a mixture of on-demand learning content, live Q&A sessions, practical exercises, and a private forum where I answer all your questions. We had a great time in the February iteration so I'm looking forward to running it again!

David Wilson

If you've got questions about Emacs, Guix, Guile, or other related topics and want a friendly place to ask them, come check out the new System Crafters Forum!

Things are a little bare for now, so feel free to come introduce yourself and tell us about something cool you've been working on lately :)

More information in the news post:

#emacs #guix #guile #scheme #lisp #linux #freesoftware

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@daviwil Forum supports Physical Security Keys, that's really good. 👍

Pavel Korytov :emacs:

@daviwil Hmm, is there no #Emacs client for Discourse? Can't believe it


@daviwil I like the idea however there aso many of these kind of forums such as for example he lvl1 forums which targets a very similar audience.

David Wilson

🔴 Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll try out Arei, a new IDE and REPL for Guile Scheme in Emacs written by @abcdw. This project aims to provide a more modern and robust development experience for Scheme compared to Geiser.

Let's see if we can hack on Guile projects more comfortably with Arei!

Join us here:


🕐 in your time zone:

#gnu #emacs #guile #scheme #ide #freesoftware

🔴 Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll try out Arei, a new IDE and REPL for Guile Scheme in Emacs written by @abcdw. This project aims to provide a more modern and robust development experience for Scheme compared to Geiser.

Let's see if we can hack on Guile projects more comfortably with Arei!

Join us here:

David Wilson

🔴 Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll experiment with self-hosting various services like websites, an XMPP server, and possibly an IRC bouncer using Guix containers.

The twist here is that we will be deploying these containers inside of Debian so that they're easy to host in standard cloud service VMs!


🕐 in your time zone:

#gnu #guix #debian #selfhosting #freesoftware

🔴 Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll experiment with self-hosting various services like websites, an XMPP server, and possibly an IRC bouncer using Guix containers.

The twist here is that we will be deploying these containers inside of Debian so that they're easy to host in standard cloud service VMs!

David Wilson

Here's a really useful project for those creating Free Software or other works under copyleft licenses:

REUSE Software is a tool that checks all of the files in your project for license details so that everything is clearly marked.

Naturally it works for code but it also covers binary files like images or music! Great for projects like websites or games with a lot of assets.

#freesoftware #gpl #creativecommons

David Wilson

Anyone know of any Europe-centric remote-first software companies or non-profits that are worth working for?

Feel free to send me a direct message if you don't want to respond in public!


@daviwil in Spain... i know some of them, my friend.

which kind of roles, backend ? sysOps ? ...

I'm more than happy to share experiences

PS: i'm on the same boat,


@daviwil I'm also interested in this list :D

Folks, also please feel free to send me a DM if you don't want to respond in public!

David Wilson

Long term, my goal is to make Scheme appealing to a wider audience, primarily through tutorials and demonstrations.

Obviously there are plenty of Scheme developers already, and even more thanks to Guix, but I still don't think the language gets the admiration that it deserves.

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Michal Atlas

@daviwil In my very subjective opinion, one of the problems would be choice paralysis and kinda related to that the lack of enough standardisation.
It's nice that I can read files in a standard way, but that's not everything one has to do, and if I want to call a library or use any of the SRFIs implementations decided to replace with their own stuff then my code is just forever locked in. Which isn't bad per-se but seems to cause code to be developed for an implementation rather than just Scheme

Ludovic Courtès

@daviwil To me it’s not so much about “admiration”: I’m convinced Scheme is a great vehicle to achieve programming literacy and, beyond that, emancipation.

More tutorials, demos, etc. are definitely the way to make progress!

David Wilson

I've been re-reading the book "Social Architecture" by the late Peter Hintjens:

It's a great source of inspiration for how to run a successful Free Software project. It explains the Collective Code Construction Contract (aka C4 -, a protocol for managing projects like ZeroMQ.

One fairly radical guideline of C4 is that almost all patches should be merged! By reducing contributor friction, you will increase their investment in the project.

I've been re-reading the book "Social Architecture" by the late Peter Hintjens:

It's a great source of inspiration for how to run a successful Free Software project. It explains the Collective Code Construction Contract (aka C4 -, a protocol for managing projects like ZeroMQ.

David Wilson

Another interesting point is that the "public contract", or API surface, of the project should not be broken unless the change is universally considered to be the right thing to do:

This means that the project *should* be free to ship new releases regularly and users can upgrade without concern for behavior or API breaking changes.

The solution is to use new names for the changed "contracts" without changing the existing contracts. Not easy to do, but possible!

Another interesting point is that the "public contract", or API surface, of the project should not be broken unless the change is universally considered to be the right thing to do:

This means that the project *should* be free to ship new releases regularly and users can upgrade without concern for behavior or API breaking changes.

David Wilson

Today I'm spending some time writing up an outline for a new guide and video series about Guile Scheme!

The goal is to teach anyone (even programming beginners, if possible) how to use Scheme as a language for building personal tools (scripts, etc) and managing their system via Guix. Guix itself won't be covered in depth, but the features of the language used commonly in Guix will be!

What would you like to see covered in such a series?

#gnu #guile #scheme #guix

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

@daviwil A clearer guide of all the goodness in the Guile Library. This is usually hidden inside the Guile Library Reference.

At the same time, I'm not sure this will fit a format like yours.

Ramin Honary

I have been playing around with Guile and using Guix a lot myself lately. One thing I haven't been able to figure out so far is how to get Emacs Geiser to work with the Guile debugger. I know how to set breakpoints, and I can do C-x C-e on a form to evaluate it in the Guile REPL and trigger the debugger, but there doesn't seem to have any key bindings for single stepping forms. I have to jump into the REPL and type ,s and ,n in order to actually use the debugger. It seems like Geiser actually isn't really complete, that or I am missing something.

Since the focus of your video seems to be personal tools and scripting, it would be nice to go over some of the features available in the POSIX module of Guile, but if I were making this video series, I would pay close attention to the File Tree Walk (FTW) module as a replacement for the GNU Coreutils find command. Whether I am using the shell, or Emacs, I end up using that find command at least a dozen times a day. Having a Scheme-programmable version of it woud be nice, and is something I've been wanting to work on for a while myself.

I have been playing around with Guile and using Guix a lot myself lately. One thing I haven't been able to figure out so far is how to get Emacs Geiser to work with the Guile debugger. I know how to set breakpoints, and I can do C-x C-e on a form to evaluate it in the Guile REPL and trigger the debugger, but there doesn't seem to have any key bindings for single stepping forms. I have to jump into the REPL and type ,s and ,n in order to actually use the debugger. It seems like Geiser actually...


@daviwil how to set it up with #Emacs to get completion and lookups and instant documentation. For system scripting languages like elisp or even #bash there's so much content, both built-in and online, on how to build out. Yet from what I've experienced trying to jump into guix, guile code is a lot more "paste it in, if it breaks go back" than those which is unfortunate. Or is there already a great tutorial I've missed?

David Wilson

The new System Crafters website is now officially live!

I'm really happy with how it turned out, but this is only the beginning! Work on the comprehensive written guides about Emacs and Guix will begin next week.

Check out the news article about it here:

I also just sent out the first System Crafters Newsletter so check your inbox if you signed up for that!

David Wilson

🔴 On today's #SystemCrafters stream we'll strip a Guix system configuration down to the bare essentials to achieve a minimal desktop environment based on Sway and Pipewire!

I'll also discuss the components needed to accomplish a minimal Wayland configuration like this so the information here may be useful even if you don't use Guix!

Join us LIVE at 4PM UTC on YouTube or Twitch:


#gnu #guix #sway #pipewire #scheme #lisp #freesoftware

🔴 On today's #SystemCrafters stream we'll strip a Guix system configuration down to the bare essentials to achieve a minimal desktop environment based on Sway and Pipewire!

I'll also discuss the components needed to accomplish a minimal Wayland configuration like this so the information here may be useful even if you don't use Guix!

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Chip Butty

@daviwil looking forward to this (tho I admit I am a 1.5x-2x after stream watcher)


@daviwil Replacing Pulseaudio with PipeWire would be 👌


@daviwil Good to hear. I am struggling with pipewire since this week I changed from pulseaudio. Some irradic behavior with mpv audio, when sending video URLs. Some videos have sound while others have not. Really weird. I hope your video can bring me any further on understanding pipewire!

David Wilson

This morning (Feb 5) at 8:30am UTC I'll be giving a virtual talk called "An Introduction to Guix Home" at FOSDEM 2023!

I'll give a general overview of Guix and then show you how to use Guix Home to manage your user-level configuration with the power of Scheme!

There will be a live Q&A on Matrix right after the talk in case you have any questions.

More info here:

#fosdem #guix #gnu #freesoftware #scheme

David Wilson

🔴 On today's #SystemCrafters stream, we'll take a look at the Sway compositor for Wayland and discuss the benefits of using it.

We'll also spend some time writing a Guile Scheme library that will enable us to configure Sway interactively at the REPL!

Join us LIVE at 4PM UTC on YouTube or Twitch:


#emacs #guix #guile #gnu #linux #freesoftware #sway #wayland

David Wilson

🔴 On today's #SystemCrafters stream, we'll attempt to build a custom Guix distribution with a pre-configured desktop environment.

We'll try it out by building a VM image that enables you to boot directly into the default configuration!

Join us LIVE at 4PM UTC on YouTube or Twitch:


#emacs #guix #guile #gnu #linux #freesoftware

David Wilson

Spending some time today polishing my talk about Guix Home for FOSDEM!

I'm looking forward to helping more people get started with Guix this year. I've got at least 5 videos about it planned for System Crafters!

#gnu #guix #freesoftware #fosdem



Nice 😃
Definetily interested in guix home inspiration. Slowly working on setting up my computer with that.

chfkch :nixos: :rust:

I would love to try #guix, but #NixOS is eating up my little free time at the moment. Still watching your videos from time to time ro be up to date.

David Wilson

I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about Emacs, here's what it returned.

#emacs #emacsconf

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@daviwil This is great! Would be interesting to have a ChatGPT.el that generates elisp functions on the run 🤔

Ramin Honary


LOL the 1st and 3rd lines.

Rhyming "beat" with "beat." [chef's kiss]

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