I have been playing around with Guile and using Guix a lot myself lately. One thing I haven't been able to figure out so far is how to get Emacs Geiser to work with the Guile debugger. I know how to set breakpoints, and I can do C-x C-e on a form to evaluate it in the Guile REPL and trigger the debugger, but there doesn't seem to have any key bindings for single stepping forms. I have to jump into the REPL and type ,s and ,n in order to actually use the debugger. It seems like Geiser actually isn't really complete, that or I am missing something.

Since the focus of your video seems to be personal tools and scripting, it would be nice to go over some of the features available in the POSIX module of Guile, but if I were making this video series, I would pay close attention to the File Tree Walk (FTW) module as a replacement for the GNU Coreutils find command. Whether I am using the shell, or Emacs, I end up using that find command at least a dozen times a day. Having a Scheme-programmable version of it woud be nice, and is something I've been wanting to work on for a while myself.