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David Wilson

🔴 On today's #SystemCrafters stream we'll strip a Guix system configuration down to the bare essentials to achieve a minimal desktop environment based on Sway and Pipewire!

I'll also discuss the components needed to accomplish a minimal Wayland configuration like this so the information here may be useful even if you don't use Guix!

Join us LIVE at 4PM UTC on YouTube or Twitch:


#gnu #guix #sway #pipewire #scheme #lisp #freesoftware

Wilko :emacs: :guix:​

@daviwil this sounds really good; am currently trying to achieve a similar configuration on guix using sway so I’m looking forward to what you’ll come up with!

Chip Butty

@daviwil looking forward to this (tho I admit I am a 1.5x-2x after stream watcher)


@daviwil Replacing Pulseaudio with PipeWire would be 👌

David Wilson

@aerique unfortunately we didn't get that far in the stream, but I'll put together some information about it soon


@daviwil Good to hear. I am struggling with pipewire since this week I changed from pulseaudio. Some irradic behavior with mpv audio, when sending video URLs. Some videos have sound while others have not. Really weird. I hope your video can bring me any further on understanding pipewire!

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