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36 posts total
Martijn van Exel

🏨 Bruut, rauw en geometrisch. Dat was de studentenflat Zilverberg.

Het gesloopte ‘stapelpakhuis voor studenten’ in Noord had een slechte naam. Maar waar kwam dat door?


Martijn van Exel

For my #OpenStreetMap #MapRoulette workshop, do you have suggestions for a mapping topic to build a challenge around? OSM mapping tasks that could be fixed by anyone in a small amount of time?

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J9C :arcgis: :python: :osm:

@mvexel I would love help mapping equine-assisted centres. I have a proposal in and only have only one other person using the ATYL.


@mvexel Depending on the area, there may be many missing housenumbers/adresses. Additionally I sometimes like to do parking mapping which is quite okayish to map (but could become difficult if relations are involved...)? And houseentries are sometimes really nice to have

Martijn van Exel There was a time when I thought this was the best album in the history of alternative music. It aged pretty well but I also gained some perspective in the ensuing 25 years of listening to music. If you would ask me today it would probably be White Light/White Heat, but does that count as "alternative"?

Sean Gillies

@mvexel in the sense that VU had a huge influence on later alt rock bands, sure, why not?

Martijn van Exel

first run after last Saturday's race. Glad I took a few days off but time to get moving again :)

Martijn van Exel

I’m starstruck. Both Joe Biden AND Kamala Harris personally texted me today!

Martijn van Exel

Our poor toaster oven gets so little use since we got the air fryer. Tempted to reclaim the counter space. Who would have thought?

Martijn van Exel

All we really still use it for is the occasional frozen pizza and a quick broil (like, for a tuna melt or something). All of that can be accomplished in our regular oven, if perhaps a little less convenient. But 2 sqft of counter space is not exactly nothing!

Martijn van Exel

Cool buttes and natural features in NM

Martijn van Exel

I mean, you never know, I haven't been there myself.

Keith Jenkins

@mvexel Interesting that the longitude (179.9999998) shows it to be at the far eastern end of the south pole!

Martijn van Exel

Changeset now reverted after communicating with the author. #OpenSteetMap #southpole

Martijn van Exel

picked up the bib for my very first race. start time 7:05 tomorrow morning!

Martijn van Exel

pickup was at the convention center where #pycon is also taking place atm. tiny bit of fomo

Martijn van Exel

My renewal for @ivpn is coming up, any alternatives I should look at?

Things I like about IVPN:
* accountless
* Enough choice of countries / regions for me
* good Mac and iOS apps
* Reasonable and flexible pricing: 1 week for $4 all the way up to 3 years for $220 for the pro plan, and you can switch easily between standard and pro and back.
* Support for OpenWRT (although I don't use it anymore, I remember their guide to get that set up is great)

Alex Strasheim

@mvexel @ivpn I use Mullvad and like it a lot. I think Mullvad and IVPN are similar, so I'm not sure there's a compelling reason to switch, but I do think it meets all of your requirements.

Martijn van Exel

Wait! This review only covers *creamy* peanut butter?
1. why on earth
2. why on earth would you eat creamy peanut butter when you can eat crunchy peanut butter instead
3. Adams **has** two kinds of creamy peanut butter (but I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot butter knife, see 2.)

Martijn van Exel

I put ~15h into Widelands so far. That pales in comparison to the 1000s of hours I put into Settlers, which Widelands emulates and expands on.

So far, wired:
* Different tribes have unique production chains (not all can mine, for example)
* Variety of game objectives (get rich, destroy everyone, become the biggest)
* Multiplayer (hit me up)
* Good Settlers vibes

* No great way to view and control flow of goods
* Some graphics require zooming in
* Ability to speed up gameplay

I put ~15h into Widelands so far. That pales in comparison to the 1000s of hours I put into Settlers, which Widelands emulates and expands on.

So far, wired:
* Different tribes have unique production chains (not all can mine, for example)
* Variety of game objectives (get rich, destroy everyone, become the biggest)
* Multiplayer (hit me up)
* Good Settlers vibes


@mvexel I haven't played Settlers but this looks up my alley, I will have to give it a try!

Martijn van Exel

My first "Cheat Loaf" with yeast instead of sourdough starter, and just 4h rise at room temp. Wonder if the tradeoff (time / convenience vs texture / flavor) is worth it. We will know in about an hour.
2 1/2 cups bread flour, 1/4 cup dark rye flour, 1/4 cup spelt flour. 2 cups water. 7g yeast, 7gr salt.

Martijn van Exel

Made a nice butter bean soup for the bread to go with. Bread is…okay. Would make again with a touch more salt and perhaps baking a little longer.

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