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Martijn van Exel

Wait! This review only covers *creamy* peanut butter?
1. why on earth
2. why on earth would you eat creamy peanut butter when you can eat crunchy peanut butter instead
3. Adams **has** two kinds of creamy peanut butter (but I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot butter knife, see 2.)

Valerie Norton

@mvexel People around here... not legit...

Personally grew up on Old Fashioned, but it was crunchy.

Paul Norman

@mvexel Adams crunchy always feels like creamy peanut butter to which some peanut fragments have been added.

Martijn van Exel

@pnorman I disagree 😀🥜 but we may have different definitions of “creamy”

Paul Norman

@mvexel A local place does peanut butter with a coarse grind - it's a very different mixture of particle sizes. A lot more stuff in between the big chunks and small particles that Adams has.

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