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6 posts total
Simon Phipps

Switzerland passes law requiring #OpenSource software in the public sector. "All public bodies must disclose the source code of software developed by or for them, unless precluded by third-party rights or security concerns" Well done @maemst, great work!

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@webmink @maemst security concerns? What a bogus reasoning. That's security by obscurity. In othet words: no security at all.

Seems like a loophole everybody will abuse endlessly


@webmink @maemst — Could someone in-the-know help me understand if "public money, public code" also applies to investigators receiving public funds in the form of research grants?

Simon Phipps

I made a page so I can explain to clients why I'm not using #Zoom.

Simon Phipps

If a #standard gains the force of law in Europe, it is not entitled to copyright protection and must be freely available. Massive.

Well done @carlmalamud - again.

Simon Phipps

I have to observe that the stakeholders who only sent a lawyer to this messaging interoperability workshop are clearly indicating their intent by doing so. The people who want to make it work sent people to talk about solutions.


@webmink is there an ELI5 post to understand this?

Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷

@webmink There's also quite some comments about apparent Wikipedia style moderation/governance issues within the current community I wasn't quite aware of.
And framing copyleft vs exploitable as commons vs assets is definitely something I'll reuse for FLOSS discussions!

Simon Phipps

Politico wants us to worry that foreign companies may influence European #policy and #legislation on AI. The far greater issue they ignore is that, by handing the pen to ETSI, their attitude that including royalty-required patents into #standards is desirable will be reflected in European law, locking out open source and thus also citizen scrutiny of code.

Also horrifyingly tolerated by @EU_Commission - I'll be speaking about this at #OSXP and #SFSCon this week.

Politico wants us to worry that foreign companies may influence European #policy and #legislation on AI. The far greater issue they ignore is that, by handing the pen to ETSI, their attitude that including royalty-required patents into #standards is desirable will be reflected in European law, locking out open source and thus also citizen scrutiny of code.

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