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47 posts total
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
"have you been drinking"

"no officer"

"well you look very dehydrated, have some water"

"thank you"
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
i wish there was a true android package manager similar to other package managers like apt and pacman for android APKs. there are a lot of apps such as firefox which aren't available in f-droid, which means you have to either download APKs manually or use the google play store, which requires a google account to be associated with your phone. there are plenty of APK mirroring sites out there, but the main issue with installing your own APKs is there's no easy way to update them. i wish there was a package manager where you could select your APK sources like with typical UNIX-like package managers, and then you could update all of them with one command. the main problem with this idea is it'd require large curated package repos to be useful, and android developers would have to be willing to submit their apps to them. the developer culture around android is much different compared to linux, as most people are only willing to submit their apps to the google play store without public source code. unfortunately, i don't think this idea could work.
i wish there was a true android package manager similar to other package managers like apt and pacman for android APKs. there are a lot of apps such as firefox which aren't available in f-droid, which means you have to either download APKs manually or use the google play store, which requires a google account to be associated with your phone. there are plenty of APK mirroring sites out there, but the main issue with installing your own APKs is there's no easy way to update them. i wish there was...
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
so, it seems like mozilla is completely shooting firefox in the foot, i'm going to have to look into switching to a different browser yet again, unfortunately there are no good options
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
here are my options:

librewolf: firefox with different settings

ungoogled chromium: kind of annoying to set up and use, at least for me

brave: homophobic cryptobro spyware

edge: spyware, bordering on malware

chromium: spyware

chrome: spyware

gnome web: gnome web

so, i don't have a lot of options, gnome web and ungoogled chromium are probably the best available options, which really sucks
here are my options:

librewolf: firefox with different settings

ungoogled chromium: kind of annoying to set up and use, at least for me
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
it's really awful seeing how badly GNOME really fucked itself up in the transition to GNOME 3

deciding that the desktop environment that people have been using for years is just not a good design anymore and that it needs to be completely revamped is a baffling decision to me. i understand wanting to modernize, but completely changing everything about your desktop is really just a shitty choice to make

although, perhaps i'd be less hostile towards it if the default modern GNOME experience wasn't a complete joke. there are some absolutely baffling omissions, like no window list, only being able to maximize by double clicking on a window header or by dragging it to the top of the screen, not being able to minimize windows without accessing a right click menu, being over reliant on what's essentially the windows 8 start screen's distant cousin, among other issues. lots of important settings like *turning on the maximize/minimize buttons* aren't in the GNOME settings app, requiring a secondary GNOME tweaks app to change. people joke about windows having two settings programs, but GNOME does as well, and it's just as annoying to deal with.

most of the issues i have can be solved with extensions, but using them causes a whole bunch of other issues. locking basic functionality like having an applications menu and having a dock or panel behind extensions is completely asinine. extensions are handled through the GNOME extensions app, which basically just ends up being a third settings app. i really don't see why a separate app needed to be made in the first place, it was originally part of GNOME tweaks and i don't really see the problem there. apparently a lot of changes made to GNOME were to make it easier for new users to figure out, but installing extensions to add functionality they'd expect is going to be much more confusing for a new user than just having it available. this is made even worse by the fact that lots of extensions don't even work on certain GNOME versions, so you need to hunt for a version that works with your GNOME version. it's really unintuitive and annoying.

there's also GNOME classic, which is meant to be more GNOME 2 like, having two panels at the top and bottom of the screen. i don't understand why they haven't bothered to just remove this, because it feels completely pointless. you're not able to edit the panels at all, so if you want to do something like get rid of the workspace viewer, you're out of luck. in comparison, MATE is also made to look like GNOME 2, but its panels allow for much more customization. also, all of the applications are still using GTK4 and look modern, so it's really not even a very "classic" experience.

overall, GNOME doesn't know who it's trying to appeal to. it claims it's meant to be intuitive and user friendly, and yet it has very confusing design choices which will frustrate new users. it's baffling that people actively choose to use it. i typically criticize ubuntu for a lot of things, but at least canonical was smart enough to actually install a bunch of extensions by default in order to make it actually feasible for daily use. it's absolutely bizarre to me that someone would actively choose to use GNOME when much better options exist.
it's really awful seeing how badly GNOME really fucked itself up in the transition to GNOME 3

deciding that the desktop environment that people have been using for years is just not a good design anymore and that it needs to be completely revamped is a baffling decision to me. i understand wanting to modernize, but completely changing everything about your desktop is really just a shitty choice to make
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
gonna clear up some disinfo i've seen on my timeline

GRUB stands for "Gru Bootloader", a reference to the main character of the cinema classic, despicable me
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
- fully custom built high end PC
- gentoo or LFS
- custom tiling window manager setup
- no file manager installed, uses the terminal for all file management
- codes in x86 assembly for better performance
- contributes regularly to the linux source code
- doesn't own a phone because it's not good for you
- doesn't have a google or microsoft account
- doesn't use wine or a window virtual machine for anything
- active on stackoverflow answering questions
- works in the IT industry
- watches nothing but highly technical odysee videos
- has no idea how to fix a broken printer
- fully custom built high end PC
- gentoo or LFS
- custom tiling window manager setup
- no file manager installed, uses the terminal for all file management
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:

so, the reddit API protest has taken a different direction, now people are uploading gigabtyes of videos to reddit which are just noise. i cannot stress this enough, do NOT run the command ffmpeg -filter_complex "nullsrc=s=1920x1080,geq=random(1)*255:128:128[vout]" -map "[vout]" -t 46 -c:v libx264 out.mp4 in order to generate one of these large video files then upload them en masse in order to slow down their servers, that totally will not help with the protest

maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
I've finished my new custom desktop environment based on FVWM! I've been working on this pretty much nonstop for the last three days, and I now have a pretty functional desktop environment with most of the features I need on a daily basis. I'll probably continue to tinker with it a bit, but for now I'm pretty much satisfied with what I've made!

I was heavily inspired by old UNIX desktops when designing this, mainly IRIX Interactive Desktop and the Common Desktop Environment. The configuration is a heavily modified version of FVWM's default configuration. I'll be posting the config files for this once I clean it up a bit.

I'll put the programs used in a reply to this post soon.
I've finished my new custom desktop environment based on FVWM! I've been working on this pretty much nonstop for the last three days, and I now have a pretty functional desktop environment with most of the features I need on a daily basis. I'll probably continue to tinker with it a bit, but for now I'm pretty much satisfied with what I've made!
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
oh god, here we fucking go again

not sure what the current consensus is, but when the disqordia drama was happening around a year ago i stood up for eris, and i was blocked by a bunch of people for it and accused of endorsing hate speech, since then i've just gone along with the crowd and blocked eris because i frankly just didn't want to deal with this whole flame war anymore, i don't even really remember what eris did or why people considered her a nazi or whatever
oh god, here we fucking go again

not sure what the current consensus is, but when the disqordia drama was happening around a year ago i stood up for eris, and i was blocked by a bunch of people for it and accused of endorsing hate speech, since then i've just gone along with the crowd and blocked eris because i frankly just didn't want to deal with this whole flame war anymore, i don't even really...
Hera [Ft. Dante from the Devil May Cry series]

@mjdxp At this point it seems to literally just be “a friend of a friend of theirs boosts racist content on a satire alt account” which is

Like wait what

maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
2000s: everyone downloads malware on windows
2010s: malware comes installed on windows by default
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
20 years ago, if a program collected information about the user, it was called spyware and considered dangerous, today if a program does that, it's considered completely fine, what changed
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
.exe - great for software companies to show they make windows programs

.png - short for "ping"

.corn - for websites that sell corn, surely it won't trick people because "rn" kind of looks like an "m"
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
i went on r/shittyaskreddit and a concerning number of posts seemed like they were genuinely asking for advice (most of them along the lines of "is it gay if...")
Julia :verified_trans: men try not to have fragile masculinity challenge 2023 (impossible edition) (99% fail) (Bidens America)

maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
I have blocked the instance. Anyone who follows me from that instance will no longer be able to see my posts. Hopefully the Mastodon developers realize how bad of an idea trying to centralize the Fediverse is. I highly urge you to block as well in order to send a message, as well as to prevent spambots from trying to scam you.
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
If you refuse to leave, then I do not want to interact with you any longer. Using instead of a different instance hurts the decentralized philosophy which the Fediverse was built upon.
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
tbh i think most of the hype and fear around AI language models would go away if everyone actually knew how little they were capable of, they're honestly more like search engines that are able to put information into natural text than true artificial intelligence, they're not able to actually do any task that requires basic thought
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
I've decided I'm going to mute because of how ideologically opposed it is to the concept of the Fediverse. I'm going to give a short grace period for people who follow me from to create accounts on different instances before I mute it. I will probably give it a day or two. If you don't want to move instances, then I unfortunately do not wish to interact with you any longer.
maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
hardcore christians will argue that science isn't real and it goes against god, but the moment they see a trans person, they suddenly become extremely interested in biology 🤔
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