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maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
so, it seems like mozilla is completely shooting firefox in the foot, i'm going to have to look into switching to a different browser yet again, unfortunately there are no good options
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maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
here are my options:

librewolf: firefox with different settings

ungoogled chromium: kind of annoying to set up and use, at least for me

brave: homophobic cryptobro spyware

edge: spyware, bordering on malware

chromium: spyware

chrome: spyware

gnome web: gnome web

so, i don't have a lot of options, gnome web and ungoogled chromium are probably the best available options, which really sucks
here are my options:

librewolf: firefox with different settings

ungoogled chromium: kind of annoying to set up and use, at least for me
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