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182 posts total
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
this hatevalues test is so bad, like every question is just worse than the other
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
i mean actually we should just destroy the very concept of a sovereign nation-state
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
this is actually fucking horrifying
abusing an obscure race condition in-game through weird convoluted contraptions

they invented quantum mechanics in minecraft
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
who thought "you pee and pee" was a good name for a protocol
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
foot fetish artists when you commission a meter
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
america 🀝 russia
threatened to blast the netherland into pieces over the ICC
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
>before handing over to a democrat governor, wisconsin governor scott walker passed an order that essentially removed the ability of the governor to do anything, and the legislature also vowed to stop the new governor by any ways necessary

ah yes, democracy
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
>if you grow medical cannabis in a US state where it's legal, since it's still illegal federally, that's taxed under illegal income
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
when a minority does something bad, it's easy to recognize which news outlets are bad if they talk in the headline about the minority being a minority
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
goth catgirls when they go 𐌽𐌾𐌰𐌰~
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
language where the word for love derives from "less than three" due to <3
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
>They were accused of "plotting to celebrate Christmas,"
saudi arabia grinchmoding
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
there's no such thing as a simplest language, even the very grammatically simple languages like tok pisin can be very intricate
because languages need to be able to express anything, that's their purpose, so the grammar can and will be bent to the speaker's will
(exceptions are like toki pona which are intended as fancy thought experiments and not actual languages)
sam にゃん :verified_woem:
@chjara even toki pona *would* be changing if the entire community wasn't built around the language being simple

the *moment* a community of native speakers pops up (children of toki pona speakers) the language *will* start changing rapidly
unless the parents force their children not to lmao (which sounds culty πŸ₯΄)
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
i love the wikipedia articles on really basic sociology concepts, like they're written like an alien observing from afar
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
the only reason the west didn't cheer the nazis attacking the soviets is that the nazis attacked the entirety of europe as well
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
the axis and allies were (outside of the USSR) ideologically aligned in most things
i mean, british fascists had quite a lot of influence before they were outlawed after germany declared war on britain, same pattern in other european countries
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