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chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
there's no such thing as a simplest language, even the very grammatically simple languages like tok pisin can be very intricate
because languages need to be able to express anything, that's their purpose, so the grammar can and will be bent to the speaker's will
(exceptions are like toki pona which are intended as fancy thought experiments and not actual languages)
sam にゃん :verified_woem:
@chjara even toki pona *would* be changing if the entire community wasn't built around the language being simple

the *moment* a community of native speakers pops up (children of toki pona speakers) the language *will* start changing rapidly
unless the parents force their children not to lmao (which sounds culty 🥴)
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
@starshine i wonder how an actually usable tp would look like. probably a lot of terms would be borrowed from the dominant language because like you can't say big numbers lmao
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