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182 posts total
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
expectation: countries get to control their own DNS root
reality: cybercolonialism over DNS
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
news sites that ask you to register for free to read articles is like
can you be any more transparent that you just want to sell my data
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
supervillains: it's too late, i have already poisoned the water supply with heavy metals!
by supervillains i mean united states city officials that are not being held accountable to it
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
i'm excited to see how bad it's gonna be when a qtard becomes US president in 2024
>chjara that's not gonna happen
who's the alternative, fucking joe biden? the majority of the population is completely politically illiterate, it's a charisma contest
chesapeake :verified:
@chjara dems could literally steamroll republicans if they let a decent candidate win the primaries but nooo they gotta rig it for an octogenarian

@chjara massive CW for pretty much every form of non-sexual abuse you can imagine putting a child through, but an Elan survivor has been writing (it's still WIP and updates every couple of weeks or so) a graphic novel retelling their experiences at Elan.

Cannot stress enough, the story is fucking harrowing and parts will make your skin crawl and your teeth clench no matter how thick your skin is, but it's a very powerful read and one that's important to hear. Especially when you consider that similar such camps operate today, and that the GOP is trying to expand those camps especially against LGBTQ children for "conversion therapy."

Anyway here's the link:

@chjara massive CW for pretty much every form of non-sexual abuse you can imagine putting a child through, but an Elan survivor has been writing (it's still WIP and updates every couple of weeks or so) a graphic novel retelling their experiences at Elan.

Cannot stress enough, the story is fucking harrowing and parts will make your skin crawl and your teeth clench no matter how thick your skin is, but it's a very powerful read and one that's important to hear. Especially when you consider that similar...

chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
"socially conservative"? i think the word you wanna use is "cringe"
sam にゃん :verified_woem:

@chjara “socially liberal but fiscally conservative” ok so u like weed but hate poor ppl n the planet

chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
the consolidation of communities within platforms that are unsuited and solely interested with profit (discord, fandom) has been a disaster for the human race
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
there are no straight people on fedi, only currently straight people
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
hatsune miku is such a prolific gamedev. minecraft, factorio,
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
also, organic agriculture typically has vastly lower yields, which means it requires a lot more land and is also more expensive
so it's only viable for rich assholes in western countries
chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
one thing i particularly dislike about that stuff is the anti-GMO movement. literally why. GMO is just crop breeding but better in literally every way
yes there are issues with patents held by GMO companies. guess what. capitalism is bad
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