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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Thanks everyone! We closed the loop!

Most websites are now publishing algorithmic generated content in order to please ranking algorithms from search engines in order to display generated ads that will be clicked by crawling bots and automatically generated social profiles.

No humans needed any more!

Which means that you can now close your laptop, watch a sunset and talk to real humans near you. Enjoy your life far from your screen.

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@ploum it's getting that way... According to one study some 50% of Internet traffic is bot activity. #deadinternet here we come!


@ploum and all that faff and waste of energy to no point since I use an adblocker.

Wouter De Borger

@ploum which supports my theory that the corporation is the dominant organism on this planet.
A bunch of people doing crazy stuff in the hopes of getting more money out of the corporation by making the corporation get more money out of other people.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

захожу на первую пару, кафедральный ноут стоит включенный со вчерашнего дня

и оба проектора всю ночь работали

б - безопасность!

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

i will complain every time i am forced to use matrix and you cannot stop me

Essem :skeeter:

even outside of all the other issues the biggest thing that gets me is just how slow it is

i sure do enjoy having to wait 10 minutes before i can actually start chatting in a room i joined a year ago

Sean Middleditch

@vitaut That list kinda helps illustrate that games aren't (just) software -- a huge number of the entries on that list are engine clones for interpreting/playing non-Free game data, including often non-Free code in game scripts.

Naming that list "open source games" is dishonest, imo. It's like saying that Google search is open source because I can use it in Firefox.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Вышел инструмент ArticBase, позволяющий транслировать игры с консоли Nintendo 3DS на эмулятор.

Инструмент предоставляет эмулятору доступ по сети к установленным / загруженным с картриджа играм на 3DS, отбрасывая тем самым необходимость снимать дамп с ключами шифрования (при этом увеличивается время загрузки игры). Кроме того, инструмент синхронизирует сохранения на эмуляторе и на консоли.

Единственный на сегодня эмулятор, поддерживающий ArticBase - это форк эмулятора Citra от PabloMK7.

Ссыль на ArticBase:

Видео с демонстрацией:

Вышел инструмент ArticBase, позволяющий транслировать игры с консоли Nintendo 3DS на эмулятор.

Инструмент предоставляет эмулятору доступ по сети к установленным / загруженным с картриджа играм на 3DS, отбрасывая тем самым необходимость снимать дамп с ключами шифрования (при этом увеличивается время загрузки игры). Кроме того, инструмент синхронизирует сохранения на эмуляторе и на консоли.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Did you know that #Roman road design included #safety features?

In the ruins of #Pompeii, you'll notice small white stones interspersed with the large paving ones along the extensive roads.

Those white #stones are 'cats eyes', i.e. gems that have a single line of inclusion of crystals of another mineral inside.

Upon light reflecting on them (from the #moon), they enable the walker to see that they are still on the right path!



@mythologyandhistory this is so so cool 😯 my tiny mind is gobsmacked

Anthony 🦘🐨🪃🕯🧙‍♂️🔆🇦🇺

@mythologyandhistory wow and their roads are in far better condition than today's roads.

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