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laura rachael

hey dont tell people "holy shit your phone is old you should get a new one, the security issues!!!!"

do you really think i am happy that my phone that ive only had for six years doesnt get security updates despite working fine?

do you think i can afford to replace it?

"well then you should get a dumb phone and use your laptop for other things"

are you fucking kidding me? really? 1) my laptop is even older, it's 17", and takes like 5 minutes to start up, im not carrying that everywhere and 2) MOST THINGS DONT HAVE FUNCTIONAL WEBSITES ANYMORE

and really, do you think i should have to afford to replace it?

there is no reason my Pixel 3, which runs apps PERFECTLY FINE, should be abandoned to the ages. it's also one of the few Pixel models that cant even be given a new OS, since no one has worked out all the model-specific issues with it.

there is no reason i shouldnt still be getting updates, and no reason i shouldnt be able to easily switch to GrapheneOS or something else.

stop calling me a bad user for being 1) poor and 2) unwilling to give in to manipulative capitalist planned obsolesence. yell at the people making these decisions. my phone is intact after six years. im proud of that and i will use this until it goes spicy pillow.

PS give us back battery replacing, SD cards, and headphone jacks


@rachaelspooky wait sorry THEY'RE REMOVING SD CARDS NOW???

NotThatDeep when someone tells me their phone or laptop is that old, i say "that's amazing!" because it is these days, regardless of the reasons. of course, devices should be kept that long out of choice, not necessity.

Luciano :mario: people DO THAT?
What should I tell my grandpa, who has an Honor 8a running Android 9 and uses it for paying our bills? As long as our bank apps work, he won't switch to a newer one because he can't be used to another phone

laura rachael

you know what else? the charging port should be an easily replaced standard module.

we dont have to go full modular phone, that hasnt worked the last few times people tried but like, things like charging port and screen should be standard, easily replaced parts by now since those are the parts that break the most

Large Format Projectionist


I’d be happy with the lower bar of merely replaceable.

But I am joining you on the higher battlements because the status quo is stupid.

Wayne Werner

@rachaelspooky two screws and a ribbon cable should be all that you need to replace at worst.

laura rachael

@ketmorco even then, ribbon cables in handheld consumer electronics are often a nightmare. when ive done work on gameboys, working with the ribbon cables is the most stressful part. making sure they 1) fit back in with the case closing and 2) dont get crushed/break is so scary, and not everyone has room for that stress, or time to learn this stuff, or someone more experienced to ask for help. should be plug and play like batteries


@rachaelspooky @ketmorco One drawback there is plug and play is both heavy and bulky.

Octavia con Amore

@ketmorco @rachaelspooky that sounds like "oh, replacing a violin string? just put the nub in, the tip in, and do a bit of winding :zerotwo_shrug: "

the above is teeechnically true, but it ignores that neither you nor 99% of the population could do it without an extreme risk of snapping the string ($20~$60) or damaging the bridge ($100~$200), let alone getting the tuning right or knowing what to do if the peg is stuck or of it's too slick :giggle:
(violin strings are the cheapest out of the orchestral strings...gods forbid you snap a cello or bass string :not_like_this: )

@ketmorco @rachaelspooky that sounds like "oh, replacing a violin string? just put the nub in, the tip in, and do a bit of winding :zerotwo_shrug: "

the above is teeechnically true, but it ignores that neither you nor 99% of the population could do it without an extreme risk of snapping the string ($20~$60) or damaging the bridge ($100~$200), let alone getting the tuning right or knowing what to do if the peg is stuck or of it's too slick :giggle:
(violin strings are the cheapest out of the orchestral...


@rachaelspooky As someone rocking a historical phone, I feel this a lot.

A new one which would actually be more helpful is a big expense.

It isn't reasonable to tell people to "just have money".

laura rachael

hey this post of mine is apparently super popular, maybe check out my current mutual aid thread? i cant make rent :(



A couple of models of Nokia have replaceable piece with the charge port and audio jack.

However when I look for other brands with similar features and I can't find anything useful.

I looked into Fairphones but I don't like the lack of audio jack in the latest model. Besides I when I spare parts for older Fairphones al modules are discontiued. If I can't buy a spare part in 5+ years I can't see the interest in buy any of those phones.



I'm still searching an option to my actual smartphone (it's from 2019 and works perfectly but some day I will need to replace) and I want the new phone doesn't be designed to be hard to repair.

And doesn't seem there is a lot of options.

It's depressing.

Sven Slootweg

@rachaelspooky Having seen the internals of a Fairphone, I'm convinced that it would be totally viable to legally mandate repairable designs (to at least that level) for modern phones

Sven Slootweg

@rachaelspooky (As in, none of that "modern phones are too complicated and optimized to be made repairable" nonsense from manufacturers)


@joepie91 @rachaelspooky also I don't think the security update thing is actually that bad

Google Play Services are updated for old models, and you can still run a modern browser that has security bugs fixed, so you can defend yourself against web exploit kits.

If you're not running APKs from sketchy websites or the malware that sometimes is in the Play Store you're probably fine.

the largest risk with smartphones are scams and those work regardless of updates :p

@rachaelspooky I live for the day Fairphones get actually affordable

10 years of support and replaceable everything is my dream, but I'm also stubbornly sticking to my Moto G4 until the day it dies because money and why would I replace a thing that still works (and has the SD card, removable battery, and headphone jack), even though it's not got latest updates?

Why didn't work? My FairPhone already has a replaced charging port module and I'm going to replace the audio jack soon too. Works very well.


Can I make a plug for #fairphone here? I know it's only tangentially related, but I've had one for the last 4(?) years and just replaced the battery. Didn't even have to unscrew anything. However if I would want to replace other things like the speaker or screen, I *could* unscrew things and get at them. They also refurbish older phones and give a discount for sending them your phone back when you don't want it any more.


@rachaelspooky Fairphones have easily replaceable batteries, screens, charging ports etc. at least, as well as an SD card slot.

They're also quite expensive so I realize this probably doesn't help you now. But perhaps others will see this and move the needle a little bit by getting one.

laura rachael

wow i muted this because the phone dings were anxiety but this is pretty cool to see doing well

Amelia (Amy) :verifiedtrans: to be honest ever since micro usb died (thank fucking god) and usb-c replaced it i haven't had a single charging port break

ClarificationSW too bad
seals your phone shut with plastic that barely even protects your phone from water

void *anna;
@rachaelspooky lineageOS is kind of the last hope for a bunch of old phones in that matter (or to escape crappy OEM roms like my case)
Serena 🏳️‍⚧️

@rachaelspooky I couldn't agree harder.

And I think you identified why security theater bothers me. Capitalism has turned infosec into an agent for pushing guilt and shame. Couldn't put my finger on it before.

B-13711 maria 🤖

@rachaelspooky i still use a galaxy s8 sometimes, especially for older games that simply dont work anymore on latest android

Dan FitzGerald

@lyncia @rachaelspooky I still use a Galaxy S8 all the time. It's the active though, and I wish it had the ability to add an SD card

Dan FitzGerald

@lyncia @rachaelspooky I didnt think it did, because it's supposed to be water resistant.

B-13711 maria 🤖

@d_j_fitzgerald @rachaelspooky the regular s8 does and has some degree of water resistance

Max (Lyrenhex)

@rachaelspooky the fact that Google's started forcing app devs to increase the minimum target SDK version every year is just rubbing salt in the wound too.

If an app doesn't use features from a new SDK, what is the point of arbitrarily excluding older phones??

edit: this is wrong. I'd misremembered "target" as "minimum", which is my bad. Sorry! Thanks @pixellight for pointing that out.

Wayne Werner

@lyrenhex @rachaelspooky 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

I mean. I know it was rhetorical and we all know around here.

Pixel Light

@rachaelspooky @lyrenhex this isn't true, they force you to update the version you are targeting, not the min. Still annoying if you don't care about new features though you still have to publish an update

Max (Lyrenhex)

@pixellight @rachaelspooky ah, double-checking my Developer Console, that's correct. my bad.

I've updated my original post to correct it; thanks for mentioning this. :)


@rachaelspooky Even if I were to carve out enough funds to replace my phone, every phone *sucks* these days.

It's not like my required features are unreasonable. I want a phone with a large enough developer community that I don't have to rely on the manufacturer for updates. I want a user-replaceable battery, wireless charging, and for the majority of the phone to be held together with screws rather than glue.

Apparently I can only have two of those four requirements.


@rachaelspooky Oh, and for the record, no, my current phone doesn't have any of these features. Why would I want to spend money on something that isn't an improvement?


@StarkRG @rachaelspooky I feel like the Fairphone 5 meet those requirements.

It has some drawbacks, but it does what you're asking.


@Arcaik @rachaelspooky It doesn't have wireless charging, unfortunately. It's also a pain in the arse to import phones to Australia, but the Fairphone 5 is, indeed, the phone I've been considering as a replacement.

sugar🍬🍭🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ you probably looked into it, but figured i would mention that lineageos supports pixel 3

graphene os makes an intentional choice not to support old hardware to "not hold back the project"

the good news is that battery replacing is going to return, european union made a law that smartphones need to have replacable batteries from february 18, 2027 on, and i doubt manufacturers will want to design completely different phones for eu market than they release everywhere else


it's also one of the few Pixel models that cant even be given a new OS, since no one has worked out all the model-specific issues with it.



I have a dumb phone and a relatively new laptop. and yet.

my bank sent me an email explaining that their app will no longer support the Android version for the 9yo smartphone I use as a camera and for the banking app. There is no website with the functionalities of the app (transferring money e.g.)
I replied and said that I am reluctant to buy a device simply so I can do the banking stuff.
Let's see whether they answer at all.


@fritzoids @rachaelspooky you probably don't want to hear this, but it is not safe to do your banking on an old out of support android device. The bank is actually doing you a favor by requiring something newer.

You might be able to get away with a Chromebook. They support android emulation and you can run most android apps on them. If that works, you won't need a smartphone and you'll be able to keep a more familiar laptop interface.



Oh, I am very aware of why they are requiring newer Android versions and that it is a good thing. I'm just disappointed that their response to "is there a WebApp?" is "nah, we like our apps and don't think we'll ever offer anything that'll run on the MacBook that actually will update. Or on the Windows desktop or the Ubuntu desktop that you have."
I do not like the small screens they don't lend themselves well to very much besides scrolling.


@fritzoids @rachaelspooky I still use a dumb phone and it's been like, 4 years I'm waiting for my bank to tell me how I'm supposed to do when the SMS don't work anymore (they are already illegal supposedly…) 🤷

Teaceratops/GameDev Mum

@rachaelspooky yes to all of this!

I’ve had my iPhone XR for over 5 years now, and I am at the point where I am forced to replace it as it is barely functioning. So this time, I am getting a Fairphone 5, in the hopes I can make it last even longer - you can replace the battery, camera, USB port, and expand the memory with a microSD card. And as added bonus - no AI!

So fingers crossed, I get almost a decade out of the next phone 🤞

Aks :quake_verified:​ :kde:

@rachaelspooky well put. This is why i splurged a lot of money on fairphone, because i want to fix it if it breaks. Never gonna buy a phone where i cant replace battery again.


@rachaelspooky My car is almost 20 years old. My laptop 12 and I held on to my Blackberry until the phone company made me buy something new. Now my friends chant "One of us ..."

Pixel Light

@rachaelspooky this all of this. I used to enjoy buying new phones to get a nice upgrade, now I do it angrily buy them just to stay supported


@rachaelspooky people could be part of the solution instead and offer to root your phone and put a custom ROM on it. but then they don't get to scold you for being a stimky poor I guess.

Elenna :verified_transgender:​

@rachaelspooky my phone is over 7 years old now, it last got updates in 2020. I will be replacing it soon for a number of reasons, but I wish that at least lack of security updates wasn't one of them.


@rachaelspooky DivestOS runs on a Pixel 3 (they claim). Last update: 22 days ago.


@rachaelspooky This this this. My cheapo phone is just 5yo but I see zero reasons to change it, besides the fact that I'm starting seeing apps that do not support my Android version anymore.

soy un verano enflorecido

@rachaelspooky Yup, and even if your phone can do updates, if don't pay for an app that had a sneaky subscription, apple stops allowing you to update ALL your apps until you deal with that. Holding the security of your phone hostage for them.

Dag Ågren ↙︎↙︎↙︎

@gettingcomputey @rachaelspooky That does not sound right at all, if that happened I am fairly sure you hit a weird bug.

Regina M

@rachaelspooky It should be that the moment the proprietary system stops supporting your device it should be unlocked from that ecosystem and free to be modified open source or however you choose. Actually it should always be free but this would be bare minimum. @eff

BardMoss the Linux Guy

My understanding is that the Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3A are among the phones that have the most options for an alternate operating system, particularly calyx OS and /e/. I tried to putting Ubuntu Touch on my Pixel 3a XL and it installed but would not run.

Hugo Devillers

@rachaelspooky and yet all this e-waste does nothing to raise the bar when it comes to hardware capabilities, despite the fact the average phone lives at most 3 years, we have to suffer with (especially graphics) API support anywhere from 3 to 10 year behind desktop platforms, because apparently mobile vendors love to ship garbage SoCs based on 10 year old orphaned IP.

Meanwhile, on PCs, a 12 year old AMD gpu still gets the latest and greatest vulkan features in radv/mesa.

Hugo Devillers

@rachaelspooky android is the unlikely toxic combination of incredibly long support tail for the sake of cheap connected garbage, and google-sponsored programmed obsolesence for perfectly cromulent devices

Delta Wye

@rachaelspooky I made a small post after reading this about people giving advice that’s sort of “tone deaf”, or at worst just coded ways to say “Why are you poor?”/“Why are you dumb?”

Niko (Martin) :heart_ace:


I feel ya, I'm still going with the pixel 3a, at least mine has lineage weekly builds, even if now they're not really stable anymore. I agree with every line of this post.


In my country there is this tradition of keeping up with the Joneses at the national level, it's perhaps as important as sport, which is the other obsession just barely ahead of drinking. So most have the latest device as a fashion accessory, or statement of affluence. It is always funny seeing them unable to do even simple tasks or use it for nothing more than calls, messaging and stupid mindless tetris-clone games


@rachaelspooky my galaxy s9 is about the same age as your phone, the screen recently died (well, sort of, the weird oled failure mode where everything collapses into one stripe at the top - apparently mine lasted a lot longer than other s9s did)

the cost to replace the screen is almost as much as a "decent" budget new phone. i mean the screen itself is ~$150USD, not counting tools & other parts (and labor if you're getting someone else to help, which holy shit taking apart an s9 is an involved process)

but the rest of the phone is fine! same issue with the security updates, which i also think is bullshit, but it works just fine and i'm mad that it's failing so soon and there isn't a whole lot that i can do about it

thankful that at least the screen sorta functions on like, 0-10% brightness, so it's still usable, as long as i don't like. leave the house lol :Blobhaj_Melty:

@rachaelspooky my galaxy s9 is about the same age as your phone, the screen recently died (well, sort of, the weird oled failure mode where everything collapses into one stripe at the top - apparently mine lasted a lot longer than other s9s did)

the cost to replace the screen is almost as much as a "decent" budget new phone. i mean the screen itself is ~$150USD, not counting tools & other parts (and labor if you're getting someone else to help, which holy shit taking apart an s9 is an involved process)


@blaurascon @rachaelspooky all of this. Yeah.

Lord help you if the phone was already cheap to buy in the first place and fixing it would literally be the cost of a similar phone

Sylvie (she) :verifiedagender: :verifiedbi: 🦥

@rachaelspooky honestly, preach.

up until recently I was considering getting a new phone, even though my financial situation is all but great, just because this one is a Xiaomi from 2019, it stopped getting updates in 2022, there's no custom ROMs for it and the battery is getting weaker by the day.

I completely changed my mind when I realised that I can order every replacement part I could ever want for it on AliExpress. Now I am determined to keep the fucker working until it crumbles to dust. Sure I would prefer updated software, but I'd much rather not throw this thing away as long as I can get any kind of use out of it.

@rachaelspooky honestly, preach.

up until recently I was considering getting a new phone, even though my financial situation is all but great, just because this one is a Xiaomi from 2019, it stopped getting updates in 2022, there's no custom ROMs for it and the battery is getting weaker by the day.

I completely changed my mind when I realised that I can order every replacement part I could ever want for it on AliExpress. Now I am determined to keep the fucker working until it crumbles to dust. Sure...


@rachaelspooky I loved my Pixel 3 up too the day 2 years ago when it threw a system error all of a sudden and never turned on again. I was hoping to use it for years more.


@rachaelspooky this. i got the battery replaced in my pixel 4a earlier this year (it was veeery slowly starting to go spicy). i can afford a new phone, but i don't want one.

Sam Levine

@rachaelspooky As someone who by choice doesn't have a smart phone and uses an old (2012 vintage) laptop and iPad (2011 I think?) I absolutely get where you are coming from and despair at the lack of functional websites. I hate, hate, hate the idea of getting rid of functional technology due to planned obsolescence, but it gets worse every year for a non-tech person to deal with.


@rachaelspooky my phone was released in 2019, is smol enough for my smol hands, has a headphone jack, USB-C, dual SIM and SD card slot. It's running LineageOS beautifully, I wish it had better cameras and supported eSIMs but otherwise i am missing NOTHING that the new phones have. (It's a Galaxy s10e)
I will only replace it when it dies a final death, and I'm already worried about what to get next 😭

Noel :neofox_verified: If you're after a newer Android version, LineageOS seems to support the Pixel 3.

Unfortunately, there's little these ROMs can do when the vendor (Google) stops shipping security updates. This is also why Graphene OS deprecated support for the older Pixels.

Pixtxa :blahaj_full:

@rachaelspooky I can afford a new one and my current one is also six years old and has problems with battery, touchscreen, cameras, microphones, charging connector, etc., so I really should replace it.

But it has an IR blaster and desktop mode, which most phones don't have anymore. Fairphone is nice, but hasn't qi charging and is expensive; there isn't really a marked for cheap, used fairphones.

At least, 2027 kind of replaceable batteries should come back for all models.

Aurora 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 If you do convert to GrapheneOS definitely let us know how it goes. I've been looking into it myself as an option for repurposing older phones.


@rachaelspooky If you’re not like running a doctor’s clinic out of your phone or some shit there’s no reason other than personal preference to change.

Should you if you can? Sure, it’s a good idea. Should you expect people to always be able to change? Absolutely not.

Leah :neocat_blush_hide: lol the pixel 3 is still great. I used it as my main for ages. Got it secondhand and it worked great for ages and probably would have kept it if it weren't for battery issues. It still is great for a MFA backup device.

Also I think if you want I hear it's possible to unlock it and get the security updates as well as other updates... Maybe on graphine os?


@rachaelspooky THANK YOU. I'm so goddamn tired of being coerced into buying "new" phones that are essentially the same shit, but with slightly bigger numbers. I do not care.

Fi, infosec-aspected


lot of shit isn't available via laptops anymore; they require you to use the app for all the features.

which sucks for accessibility for those of us who have issues with large hands and smol screens, too.

The Psychotic Network Ferret

@rachaelspooky I currently drive a Moto 5 5g, 2023 series.

It's a completely capable smart phone for a fraction of the cost of any flagship phone. I paid $50 for mine on a six month contract. I'll run this phone into the ground.

I'm not saying go buy one, pretty awesome to see people pushing back against mass consumerism. Just wanted to point out that there is a midground between cheap clamshell and $800 Pixel or Galaxy.


@rachaelspooky and also tbh most of the users who download malware or fail to have safe online habits use edge tech so, security is a poor reason to feel like a "better user" in this case imo.

Even if you can't get the last updates that doesn't necessarily mean you are doing worse. They can stfu


@rachaelspooky Looks like /e/OS still supports this device. I installed it on my old OnePlus 2, and it's surprisingly usable! And gets regular updates.

MugsysRapSheet 🔩🐑🐘

I will be updating the OS of my phone over the weekend to an "Open source OS" (#LineageOS).

My #phone may be a 2018 model, but there's not a damn thing wrong with it (better than many NEW phones in fact) other than the fact I can't upgrade #Android past v8.0 and most apps have starting dropping support for it. 🤬 #eWaste

Daniel Quinn

@rachaelspooky when it does come time to replace it, I think you'd really like the FairPhone:

Repairable, replaceable parts, replaceable battery, very long support life and ethical sourcing of materials. They're just all around an awesome company.


@rachaelspooky i feel your angst- i'm peeved with microsft telling me maybe i should buy a new pc because their windows 11 won't work on it. as far as i know this is because they want to cut their costs by not sending security updates so i must buy a new pc to save their time, as if i can afford one, my £20 nokia works fine too but will revert to 2g soon and yes pls bring back battery replacement.


@rachaelspooky none of the pc's we'eve had ever stopped working (well unless we blew up the hard drive) just the cr*p on the internet got bigger.


@rachaelspooky To those who don't know (not including OP ofc), as someone who TRIED to get a non-smartphone, most of them don't even call/text consistently and without taking forever, and the ones that do aren't "cheap" the way phones used to be (as in "affordable for people on a tight budget without a payment plan") anymore. Don't judge people for their tech if the only thing you'll do about it is flap your jaw.


@rachaelspooky I honestly don't understand* how Google can just get away with making an OS that ships on millions of products that just end up not having any kind of security updates. Should've been regulated a long time ago.

* Yes I understand that the reason is Capitalism ™️

Zada Bury

It's pretty annoying the otherwise "well" hardware is "just not longer supported".

Sorry, but I not need the most new (and also often "super large") phone.
Yes, better hardware - but I was ok with the old, too.
And expensive.
And the old? Trash.

I sooo much agree with the posting!

I want to update my old mobile. Maybe also fix or replace stuff easy.
And ... if it really becomes to slow, to broken, to "whatever", THEN I might buy a new one.


@rachaelspooky I did cave and upgrade after only 2 years this last round but my last couple phones I had for 5 years each.
I just don’t care to use them that much and the security thing isn’t much of a concern since I don’t use it for work.
Posting on mastodon and watching YouTube videos doesn’t need the latest or greatest tech.

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