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I have a dumb phone and a relatively new laptop. and yet.

my bank sent me an email explaining that their app will no longer support the Android version for the 9yo smartphone I use as a camera and for the banking app. There is no website with the functionalities of the app (transferring money e.g.)
I replied and said that I am reluctant to buy a device simply so I can do the banking stuff.
Let's see whether they answer at all.


@fritzoids @rachaelspooky you probably don't want to hear this, but it is not safe to do your banking on an old out of support android device. The bank is actually doing you a favor by requiring something newer.

You might be able to get away with a Chromebook. They support android emulation and you can run most android apps on them. If that works, you won't need a smartphone and you'll be able to keep a more familiar laptop interface.



Oh, I am very aware of why they are requiring newer Android versions and that it is a good thing. I'm just disappointed that their response to "is there a WebApp?" is "nah, we like our apps and don't think we'll ever offer anything that'll run on the MacBook that actually will update. Or on the Windows desktop or the Ubuntu desktop that you have."
I do not like the small screens they don't lend themselves well to very much besides scrolling.


@fritzoids @rachaelspooky I still use a dumb phone and it's been like, 4 years I'm waiting for my bank to tell me how I'm supposed to do when the SMS don't work anymore (they are already illegal supposedly…) 🤷

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