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laura rachael

you know what else? the charging port should be an easily replaced standard module.

we dont have to go full modular phone, that hasnt worked the last few times people tried but like, things like charging port and screen should be standard, easily replaced parts by now since those are the parts that break the most

Large Format Projectionist


I’d be happy with the lower bar of merely replaceable.

But I am joining you on the higher battlements because the status quo is stupid.

Wayne Werner

@rachaelspooky two screws and a ribbon cable should be all that you need to replace at worst.

laura rachael

@ketmorco even then, ribbon cables in handheld consumer electronics are often a nightmare. when ive done work on gameboys, working with the ribbon cables is the most stressful part. making sure they 1) fit back in with the case closing and 2) dont get crushed/break is so scary, and not everyone has room for that stress, or time to learn this stuff, or someone more experienced to ask for help. should be plug and play like batteries


@rachaelspooky @ketmorco One drawback there is plug and play is both heavy and bulky.

Octavia con Amore

@ketmorco @rachaelspooky that sounds like "oh, replacing a violin string? just put the nub in, the tip in, and do a bit of winding :zerotwo_shrug: "

the above is teeechnically true, but it ignores that neither you nor 99% of the population could do it without an extreme risk of snapping the string ($20~$60) or damaging the bridge ($100~$200), let alone getting the tuning right or knowing what to do if the peg is stuck or of it's too slick :giggle:
(violin strings are the cheapest out of the orchestral strings...gods forbid you snap a cello or bass string :not_like_this: )

@ketmorco @rachaelspooky that sounds like "oh, replacing a violin string? just put the nub in, the tip in, and do a bit of winding :zerotwo_shrug: "

the above is teeechnically true, but it ignores that neither you nor 99% of the population could do it without an extreme risk of snapping the string ($20~$60) or damaging the bridge ($100~$200), let alone getting the tuning right or knowing what to do if the peg is stuck or of it's too slick :giggle:
(violin strings are the cheapest out of the orchestral...


@rachaelspooky As someone rocking a historical phone, I feel this a lot.

A new one which would actually be more helpful is a big expense.

It isn't reasonable to tell people to "just have money".

laura rachael

hey this post of mine is apparently super popular, maybe check out my current mutual aid thread? i cant make rent :(



A couple of models of Nokia have replaceable piece with the charge port and audio jack.

However when I look for other brands with similar features and I can't find anything useful.

I looked into Fairphones but I don't like the lack of audio jack in the latest model. Besides I when I spare parts for older Fairphones al modules are discontiued. If I can't buy a spare part in 5+ years I can't see the interest in buy any of those phones.



I'm still searching an option to my actual smartphone (it's from 2019 and works perfectly but some day I will need to replace) and I want the new phone doesn't be designed to be hard to repair.

And doesn't seem there is a lot of options.

It's depressing.

Sven Slootweg

@rachaelspooky Having seen the internals of a Fairphone, I'm convinced that it would be totally viable to legally mandate repairable designs (to at least that level) for modern phones

Sven Slootweg

@rachaelspooky (As in, none of that "modern phones are too complicated and optimized to be made repairable" nonsense from manufacturers)


@joepie91 @rachaelspooky also I don't think the security update thing is actually that bad

Google Play Services are updated for old models, and you can still run a modern browser that has security bugs fixed, so you can defend yourself against web exploit kits.

If you're not running APKs from sketchy websites or the malware that sometimes is in the Play Store you're probably fine.

the largest risk with smartphones are scams and those work regardless of updates :p

@rachaelspooky I live for the day Fairphones get actually affordable

10 years of support and replaceable everything is my dream, but I'm also stubbornly sticking to my Moto G4 until the day it dies because money and why would I replace a thing that still works (and has the SD card, removable battery, and headphone jack), even though it's not got latest updates?

Why didn't work? My FairPhone already has a replaced charging port module and I'm going to replace the audio jack soon too. Works very well.


Can I make a plug for #fairphone here? I know it's only tangentially related, but I've had one for the last 4(?) years and just replaced the battery. Didn't even have to unscrew anything. However if I would want to replace other things like the speaker or screen, I *could* unscrew things and get at them. They also refurbish older phones and give a discount for sending them your phone back when you don't want it any more.


@rachaelspooky Fairphones have easily replaceable batteries, screens, charging ports etc. at least, as well as an SD card slot.

They're also quite expensive so I realize this probably doesn't help you now. But perhaps others will see this and move the needle a little bit by getting one.

laura rachael

wow i muted this because the phone dings were anxiety but this is pretty cool to see doing well

Amelia (Amy) :verifiedtrans: to be honest ever since micro usb died (thank fucking god) and usb-c replaced it i haven't had a single charging port break

ClarificationSW too bad
seals your phone shut with plastic that barely even protects your phone from water

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