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Max (Lyrenhex)

@rachaelspooky the fact that Google's started forcing app devs to increase the minimum target SDK version every year is just rubbing salt in the wound too.

If an app doesn't use features from a new SDK, what is the point of arbitrarily excluding older phones??

edit: this is wrong. I'd misremembered "target" as "minimum", which is my bad. Sorry! Thanks @pixellight for pointing that out.

Wayne Werner

@lyrenhex @rachaelspooky 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

I mean. I know it was rhetorical and we all know around here.

Pixel Light

@rachaelspooky @lyrenhex this isn't true, they force you to update the version you are targeting, not the min. Still annoying if you don't care about new features though you still have to publish an update

Max (Lyrenhex)

@pixellight @rachaelspooky ah, double-checking my Developer Console, that's correct. my bad.

I've updated my original post to correct it; thanks for mentioning this. :)

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