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27 posts total
Ailantd Sikowsky

Silly idea:
Exoplanet explorer vehicle for windy planets.

Need to explore more of this, with improved sail designs.

Ailantd Sikowsky

Sokuba's experienced crew was fired by its new owner to be replaced by a cheaper one of dubious provenance. The only survivor related scenes of panic, hate and violence soon after departure. Many perished in there, while others jumped into the cold space.

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The Icarian

Where do I sign on? Sounds like my kinda workplace.
So a guy name Elon bought it?


@Ailantd I love both your art and the tiny stories you write about it 😍

Ailantd Sikowsky

Rescued from the trunk of memories, here it goes this steampunk spider explorer oldie.

Ailantd Sikowsky

Some sort of flying as little as it can be.
Called the little for no reason, users need to kneel inside or risk a severe stiff neck condition.

with digital color overlay.

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MarcelHampel / on PATREON

@Ailantd ^Man, I love these vehicles. I few weeks ago I tried a few of them on my own. :D But they looked too close to yours and I was like; nah... donΒ΄t be a copycat :D But they are super fun to do!!! Keep them going!

Ailantd Sikowsky

My drawing for
's "In The Streets of Morocco"

You can check the all the street zines, for free, here:

Richard [ˈrihaːˈrd]

@Ailantd this is wonderful! really great job!

sad the zine is using google drive, loving the idea though.

Ailantd Sikowsky

Juat found a quiet nice place to have that tea cup.

Ailantd Sikowsky

A wheeled lab-house in a frozen moon dimmendly lighted by an exhausted star.
To be alone in a frozen and empty world is a unique experience usually leading to introspection, deep meditation and life changing profound realizations.

Clean lines and flat colors for this one.


@Ailantd that would be cool to live in 😩

Brayd :mastodon: :vegan:

@Ailantd reminds me a bit of the art style of the Borderland games πŸ‘€ Looks awesome!

Lilja Tamminen

@Ailantd Totall off-topic but this style reminds me of a cartoon sketch I did 13 years ago about two robots in a post-apocalyptic wotld who couldn't tell time accurately because they depended on the unix equivalent of Y2K (epoch)

Ailantd Sikowsky

On our travels we used to rest outside the dirty smelly machine. Then we told those fantastic stories about the long gone world, thriving with life, color and sound, before the grey dusty plain became the only landscape all around.

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