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Ailantd Sikowsky

A wheeled lab-house in a frozen moon dimmendly lighted by an exhausted star.
To be alone in a frozen and empty world is a unique experience usually leading to introspection, deep meditation and life changing profound realizations.

Clean lines and flat colors for this one.


@Ailantd that would be cool to live in 😩

Brayd :mastodon: :vegan:

@Ailantd reminds me a bit of the art style of the Borderland games 👀 Looks awesome!

Lilja Tamminen

@Ailantd Totall off-topic but this style reminds me of a cartoon sketch I did 13 years ago about two robots in a post-apocalyptic wotld who couldn't tell time accurately because they depended on the unix equivalent of Y2K (epoch)

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