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Ailantd Sikowsky

Sokuba's experienced crew was fired by its new owner to be replaced by a cheaper one of dubious provenance. The only survivor related scenes of panic, hate and violence soon after departure. Many perished in there, while others jumped into the cold space.

#SciFi #SciFiart #SpaceShip #ScienceFiction #SpaceFiction #MastoArt


@Ailantd This one has a feel of the Alliance-Union universe (book series by Cherryh). I just love your work :)

Ailantd Sikowsky

I'm a bit ashamed (not really), but I don't really read much SciFi myself.
Asimov, Dune and Clarke classics are the only space SciFi I have ever read I think.

Greg Stolze

@Ailantd Well, I'm just an internet rando, but I'm pleased with how FAILWORLDS turned out.


@Ailantd Well, if one day you wish to read a bit more space sci-fi, the Alliance-Union universe is a series of books that can be read independently. Some of them are not that big (Heavy Time) or got a Hugo award (Downbelow Station).

seuldansmoncoin :unverified:

Vraiment marre des vieux mecs blancs sans filtre et en position de pouvoir.

The Icarian

Where do I sign on? Sounds like my kinda workplace.
So a guy name Elon bought it?


@Ailantd I love both your art and the tiny stories you write about it 😍

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