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@drwho how would the comma fix this one?
It would still implie one of the highlights was a dildo collector.

Raven Luni

@drwho That sentence doesnt contain an oxford comma :p

The Doctor

@i0null The only reason I haven't done more of that is because I hate the responsibility.

The Doctor

@mhoye This is why one should always sit in on board meetings.

However one can.

The Doctor

@asbestos @mhoye Doing nefarious shit is how you get rich in the first place.

The Doctor

@FranckLeroy The shit of it is, the fights to prevent more transactions processed per minute from being implemented.

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@drwho This infographic does not enrage me even a little.

🤖 totally not a bot


8-panel comic.

title: Programming explained with music

each language is in its own panel.
there are drawings of people that match the stereotype for that music genre in each. I'm not gonna bother describing them individually.

PHP is country -- it sucks, but it's everywhere.

Javascript is a one-man band -- it does everything (though it probably shouldn't)

C# is hard rock -- it used to be pretty popular but most people have outgrown it.

CSS is mumble rap -- anyone can do it and it doesn't make you a programmer.

Haskell is jazz -- complex, but incredibly powerful and flexible -- (if you know how to use it.)

Swift is U2 -- you have it because apple gave it to you.

Java is an obscure 17-century symphony -- you have to take a class to know about it.

Lisp is black metal -- no one understands it and its fans make people nervous.


8-panel comic.

title: Programming explained with music

each language is in its own panel.
there are drawings of people that match the stereotype for that music genre in each. I'm not gonna bother describing them individually.

PHP is country -- it sucks, but it's everywhere.

Javascript is a one-man band -- it does everything (though it probably shouldn't)

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

THAT is brilliant...

(but saying that about country could get you beat up in some places near me -- even though it's TRUE)

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