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48 posts total
xkcd bot

title text: "Some people say light is waves, and some say it's particles, so I bet light is some in-between thing that's both wave and particle depending on how you look at it. Am I right?" "YES, BUT YOU SHOULDN'T BE!"


Dallas (Join Something IRL)


"Viruses are alive"
"Viruses are non-living"
"When two people disagree, the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Maybe viruses are some kind of third thing, neither living or non-living..."

Am I?

Best bothsiding it, ever!

xkcd bot

title text: [earlier] "Your vintage-style handmade chest business is struggling. But I have a plan."


xkcd bot

title text: Dr. Petroff has also shown that the Higgs boson signal was actually sparks from someone microwaving grapes, the EHT black hole photo was a frozen bagel someone left in too long, and the LIGO detection was just someone slamming the microwave door too hard.



@xkcdbot Relatively certain if it was the bottom right one you wouldn't actually have to send anyone.

We'd all already be dead.

xkcd bot

title text: A left-handed sheet bend creates a much weaker connection, especially under moderate loads.


MerGlOwl, Octopus-Faenby

@xkcdbot now my hammock can be powered too ^^

xkcd bot

title text: A lot of sentences undergo startling shifts in mood if you add 'like this one' to the end, but high on the list is 'I'm a neurologist studying dreams.'


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Head·word [ˈhedˌwɜː(ɹ)d] n.


“I'm a philosopher studying untrue statements like this one”


@xkcdbot I study soils like this one.

(I'll have to establish the "Domosol" to truly be able to say this also inside buildings without having to point out the window. People will be delighted when I start examining the pH values of their wood tile floors.)


@xkcdbot I study social networks like this one.

(Think about it 😜)

xkcd bot

title text: They're a little cagey about exactly where the crossover point lies relative to the likelihood of devastating effects on the planet.


Winchell Chung ⚛🚀


The right half of the graph is boring. But the left hand side is terrifying!

xkcd bot

title text: Hypothermia of below 98.6 K should be treated by leaving the giant molecular cloud and moving to the vicinity of a star.


xkcd bot

title text: It's not just time zones and leap seconds. SI seconds on Earth are slower because of relativity, so there are time standards for space stuff (TCB, TGC) that use faster SI seconds than UTC/Unix time. T2 - T1 = [God doesn't know and the Devil isn't telling.]


xkcd bot

title text: For someone who has ostensibly outgrown staying up late waiting for Santa, I do spend an awful lot of time refreshing websites to see if packages are here yet.


xkcd bot

title text: And over heeee[...]eeeere (i)s Saturn.



@xkcdbot Can you confirm, @dlr_next ? 😄


@xkcdbot for #science!!! :akko_fistup: :blobimfine:

xkcd bot

title text: If a materials scientist gives you a present, always ask whether regifting will incur any requirements for Federal paperwork.



@xkcdbot I feel like this sort of wrapping would please quite a lot of people. 😁

xkcd bot

title text: The problems started with my resolution next year to reject temporal causality.


xkcd bot

title text: The ball's density also varies, but players don't learn the value until after choosing their raquets. The infamous 'bowling ball table tennis' region of the parameter space often leads to equipment damage.


xkcd bot

title text: I average out the spring and fall changes and just set my clocks 39 minutes ahead year-round.


Dallas (Join Something IRL)


People should be prohibited from changing their clocks after 6 weeks from conception. After that they should carry DST to full term.


@xkcdbot i genuinely have a designated clock for both sides of the shift, and i also use clocks that i *do* change to help me remember which is 'wrong'. my family will never understand me.

xkcd bot

title text: If they're going to make people ride bikes and scooters in traffic, then it should at LEAST be legal to do the Snow Crash thing where you use a hook-shot-style harpoon to catch free rides from cars.


xkcd bot

title text: It can be expensive to hire a professional spectroscopist for your wedding, but the quality of the spectra you get is worth it.


Sam Levine


3 panel comic.

1. No hair holding something shiny says "It kinda makes sense that we use gold for wedding rings."

2. No hair says: "Because a lot of the universe's gold was probably produced by R-process nucleosynthesis when pairs of neutron stars spiraled together and merged. So gold exists because two neutron stars got married."

#AltText 1/2

Vinay ಕಶ್ಯಪ್ (Mr./Dr.)

@xkcdbot As a professional spectroscopist, albeit of the non-neutron star variety whose bouquets only make nice aurorae, I fully endorse this message.

xkcd bot

title text: Escape Artist Frees Self From Conversation With Pickup Artist


xkcd bot

title text: The two best reasons to get into fossils are booping trilobites and getting to say the word "fossiliferous" a lot.


Sam Levine

@xkcdbot 3 panel comic.
1. Four people studying rocks in a desert landscape. The closest one is looking at a rock and says "It's weird to pry open a rock and see an animal that no one has laid eyes on for 400 million years."
2. Zoom in to the same person looking at the rock split in half.
3. Zoom out slightly to the person says "Boop!" Off screen someone responds by yelling "Hey! Don't boop the trilobites!"


@xkcdbot 3 panel comic.
1. Four people studying rocks in a desert landscape. The closest one is looking at a rock and says "It's weird to pry open a rock and see an animal that no one has laid eyes on for 400 million years."
2. Zoom in to the same person looking at the rock split in half.
3. Zoom out slightly to the person says "Boop!" Off screen someone responds by yelling "Hey! Don't boop the trilobites!"

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