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title text: And over heeee[...]eeeere (i)s Saturn.


Single panel comic.

The phrase "Optimistic aliens measure space typographically" appears in Times New Roman font. The letters are all grey except for the first O, and the dots above the i's, which are black. The rest of the text is black and in Munro's usual handwritten font.

Arrow pointing to the first O: Sun (not to scale)

Arrow pointing to the first dotted i: Mercury

Arrow pointing to the second dotted i: Venus

Arrow pointing to the third dotted i: Earth

Arrow pointing to the four dotted i: Mars

Arrow pointing to the fifth dotted i: Jupiter

A line marking 1 AU is drawn from the center of the first O to the center of the third i.

Lower caption: Space tip: If you're ever lost in the inner solar system, you can just type out the phrase "optimistic aliens measure space typographically" in times new roman and use the dots as a map.
4 comments | Expand all CWs

@xkcdbot Can you confirm, @dlr_next ? 😄

GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺

Relatively, yes. You'd need a sentence of Dostoyevskian length to include Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, though. As well as a suitable format paper. A1 may just about do it in the smallest font size available. Provided it's in landscape.


@xkcdbot for #science!!! :akko_fistup: :blobimfine:

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