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237 posts total

went up in a boom lift to focus lights today and it was fucken sick


#sketchbook page from a few days ago, when some friends and I had a lil art party


old drawing from when I was really into doing sumi ink washes


truly a joy to tattoo the *iconic* mom tat on my friend Kizza today :)



i love having an art studio so much……. it’s an incredible feeling, to feel tired of doing things at my house, and then going a couple miles away to do the exact same shit in a different location……


using figma for the first time and im like? ? wow this is fun and cute? it's? great? :psyduck:


@lake have you seen penpot? It's a FOSS Figma,

we're super slowly trying to switch from Figma to Penpot at Autonomic


rose #tattoo from my flash for Tong. she is a badass and somehow fell asleep while I was tattooing her stomach? !


speaking of drawing wires i would like to post the yearbook cover i designed in high school.

sorry wait it wasn’t a high school it was a Learning Center. we did not have teachers we had Facilitators. i went there because you made your own schedule and got to do whatever you wanted in a building full of computers

wakest ⁂

@lake wow thats a beautiful drawing, hadnt seen it!


my current muse is this beautiful object my friend and I found in an abandoned hospital. im going to do some drawing studies of it and eventually turn it into a tattoo for her.

wakest ⁂

@lake I bet someone here could accurately figure out what this board is and explain how to install linux on it...

j'ai écouté 📢👂

if it's dry, smoke it
It it's wet, drink it
If it computes, recompil the kernel ...


cicada #tattoo,
1 - 1 month healed
2 - fresh (next to rose tattoo I did 9 months ago)
3 - stencil
4 - original drawing


@lake I love this. here’s mine, but it’s not my own art - freehanded and tattooed by rex at thorns in berkeley


some life drawing studies of friends. i have been somewhat bad at documenting my work lately but would like to Improve. maybe I will make some catch-up posts soon.


i built a hackintosh running Sierra six years ago… seems like everything’s dropping support of that OS lately, so I gotta do a new install of *something*… I guess it would be simpler to switch to linux but unfortunately I like terrible and challenging situations so gonna try to hackintosh again


after a brief look into doing a Ventura install it’s like… my gpu isn’t compatible (nvidia), my processor isnt compatible (skylake), my ssd isnt compatible (samsung)… gdi


some screenprinted patches I made based on my drawing + my friend Joel’s video feedback.

i am super new to screenprinting but @liaizon and @divtech have showed me a lot. super excited to keep learning

the one with two figures is 8” x 13” and the other one is 7” x 13.5”.

i’m also selling them so dm if you would like one, I can ship!


little wires drawn while tabling at an art fair last night. getting back in the vendor game! did two fairs this week, but before that, the last time I tabled at a fair was on treasure island in california in 2019.
have been selling more originals than I expected, which I guess means I gotta make more art? shit……

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