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552 posts total
Andrew Tropin

#tropin IRC channel on Libera.Chat quite actively discuss #rde, and it was discussing it for a couple last weeks even before release. 25-30 people is online.

Feels good, the project is growing I guess.

Andrew Tropin

Browsing @daviwil's web sites I found they use plausible analytics and taking a breif look I found it really privacy-friendly.

I saw this project a few times before, but didn't pay attention. Looks like a great tool for improving site structure and UX.

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Arch :arch:

@abcdw @daviwil I will also happily vouch for Plausible. It’s also possible to self host, although I haven’t tried it yet (they recently got ARM support working so I can maybe play with it on my Pi cluster). It’s also great that you can just set the analytics to be publically accessible, POST custom events, and so on.

Fidel Ramos

@abcdw @daviwil Plausible looks like a great project, I would use it for a mid-to-large projects.

For small-to-medium sized projects I like Shynet, which for me was much easier to set up and maintain.

I analyze several open-source web analytics projects in this blog post:

Andrew Tropin

How do you manage your "read it later"?

wallbag, org mode, bookmarks?

Share your tools and workflows, please.

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@abcdw just org-mode. Tag as e.g. incoming, then tag or deft search once in a while.


@abcdw email to self but I should move that cruft to a dedicated org-mode to categorize

Andrew Tropin

The first rde version is released! 🥳

A complete Emacs+Sway distribution.

Live image is available here:

You can use it to try rde out, to install rde or Guix System from graphical environment.

The source code:

Read the whole announcement here:

#rde #emacs #guix #sway

The first rde version is released! 🥳

A complete Emacs+Sway distribution.

Live image is available here:

You can use it to try rde out, to install rde or Guix System from graphical environment.

The source code:

Read the whole announcement here:

Andrew Tropin

Today I have a place to stream, so we talk about getting started with rde and structuring guix configuration.

#rde #guix

Andrew Tropin

Finally rented an apartement in Tbilisi and moved to it.

The central heating is broken right now, but luckily we know how to use a fireplace.

Andrew Tropin

JavaScript and TypeScript in rde.

I addressed 8 months old patch from Demis, introducing feature-javascript to rde.

Now rde Emacs has TypeScript/JavaScript support.

Autocompletion, basic linting and refactoring are available thanks to eglot and typescript-lsp-server.

#rde #guix #javascript #typescript

Andrew Tropin

I'm finally feel ok, not great yet, but much better than the whole this week.

Andrew Tropin

guix gc frees up 65361 MiB, but takes around an hour to complete.


David Wilson

@abcdw I've seen it take 10 minutes before but never an hour!

Andrew Tropin

With a simple line of code I got a development environment for cross compiling RISC-V binaries:

guix shell -e '((@ (gnu packages cross-base) cross-gcc) "riscv64-linux-gnu" #:libc ((@ (gnu packages cross-base) cross-libc) "riscv64-linux-gnu"))' -e '((@ (gnu packages cross-base) cross-libc) "riscv64-linux-gnu")'

and with another one I got it built:

CROSS_LIBRARY_PATH=/gnu/store/1kr4p36dhw31aqmn9835w7f1is3xz1v4-profile/lib riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc src/hello-world/hello.c

#guix #riscv

Andrew Tropin

FOSDEM conference will be offline this year and it's awesome!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend it, but hope to come in 2024.

Andrew Tropin

I opened a calendar and found that my birthday is in a week and new year is in 3.5.


@abcdw I often find what day of the week is it while reading some random stuff online 😂

Andrew Tropin

Yesterday, my temperature was above 38, but I did 20 commits to #rde, solved aoc puzzles and watched the whole season of a series.

Sick productivity! 🌡️


@abcdw maybe you was just overheating from all that work :)
I think it is much better for your health to stay in bed and do nothing, but i know how hard can it be :BlobhajBlanketBlue:

Andrew Tropin

Second day of #emacsconf 2022 starts in half an hour.

I'm not only watching, but also participate as a speaker. Check out my talk on #rde Emacs.

Andrew Tropin

Like good backpackers clean up everything after themselves and leave life-saving kits, long-lasting food, good developers clean up and contribute back documentation, fixes, workarounds and developments not to make suffer others going the same path.

Andrew Tropin

How do you write your changelogs?

Any Emacs tools to simplify this process?

Andrew Tropin

My todo search in notmuch went down from 40+ to 27 emails, but my inbox grew to 52 🙃

The moment when the bottleneck is your capabilities not your tools.

However, the big part of this inbox is related to patches for the tools we use, so it's kinda unclear what the real bottleneck is 😄

#notmuch #emacs

Andrew Tropin

Updated network-manager service in Guix, now it can be used with iwd backend for wireless connections and it's ridiculously faster this way.

Migrated rde to it.

#guix #rde

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