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Andrew Tropin

How do you manage your "read it later"?

wallbag, org mode, bookmarks?

Share your tools and workflows, please.

arek :fedora: :i3wm:

@abcdw I use Wallabag. But I don't read most of my "save for later" links 🤫


@abcdw for what kind of stuff: links, books?


@abcdw while browsing the web, I collect all the links to a plaintext file (so it doesn't slow down browsing), once per week I try to clean it up and save valuable stuff in my personal knowledge base

Andres Moreno


I do a variant on the suggestion by @birnim : copy the link to a text file along with a quick synopsis of what I think the article is about and why I care.

That helps me let go of articles that are interesting but too far afield, and it holds me accountable when I review my "study notes" file.

Next step: save to knowledge base with some quick notes.

This process helps me cut down on less productive reading.

Andrew Tropin

@monkey1 @birnim The approach is good. I also maintain (not very carefully, unfortunatelly) a list of links in org file, but also glancing at wallbag.


@abcdw @monkey1 simpler is better almost always. also, adapting basic programs that are already used for new tasks works great as well. for example I use fossil (the version control) as CMS for a simple site, pastebin, forum, niche wiki

Alan 🎲

@abcdw wallabag for web stuff, org lists for papers


@abcdw I am still looking for my way. As of now I can say I am saving the links for my kids.

Tom :emacs: :guix:

@abcdw I use org mode, but that doesn't matter. I'm using GTD, and new links just go into my inbox. Then when I clear my inbox they go into a separate list of items to read that I occasionally try to prioritize somewhat. And I just try to go through the list as I do with my task list.


@abcdw just org-mode. Tag as e.g. incoming, then tag or deft search once in a while.


@abcdw email to self but I should move that cruft to a dedicated org-mode to categorize

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