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552 posts total
Andrew Tropin

Today I recieved a message that somebody uses #rde project on steam deck. What is unexpected place to see rde on 🤔


@abcdw have a steam deck and are thinking about installing Guix/rde on it. Reasoning is that it has a "immutable" root so entering dev mode to make it mutual create a mount point for /gnu and re-enable immutability. A great addition to Flatpak, I think 😁

Andrew Tropin

I was missing threading macros in Scheme, but Linus Björnstam already implemented them for us:

Nikita Domnitskii

@abcdw there is also srfi-197, but it haven't make it to guile yet. But it's not difficult to make it work

Andrew Tropin

I don't have electricity, but will do the stream, at least a short version of it.

Andrew Tropin

Read a true story about FOSS projects maintanance by @bagder (curl author).

It was nice, funny and inspiring reading I would say.

The most interesting part for me was about people, got some insights from it.


@abcdw @bagder That's really good advice, thanks for sharing. Also, good luck on your journey in building your business, I wish you all the best!

Andrew Tropin

Is there a way to pretty print a record in #guile #scheme?

It's really hard to read a one-line text representation of the record.

Andrew Tropin

3 hours test stream and OBS still works, qt5 don't crash it anymore :partyparrot:

Fix is landed on guix master :guix:

It should also prevent crashes of other qt5-based apps on wayland.

Andrew Tropin

It means, updating obs version in guix repo won't resolve the issue, quickly patching qt is not the option as well (it should go through core-updates branch).

So it seems there are two solutions: using flatpak for installing obs or building patched qt and building obs with it.

Andrew Tropin

Very nice post on #guix internatls. Derivations and related API explained with simple examples.

Andrew Tropin

Streaming every working day is harder than I anticipated, it tooks a huge amount of time and energy, but I hope my skills will grow, my tools will evolve and it will become easier.


obs is what I use when I stream and streaming def requires 2 monitors if your doing gaming or focusing on something
I'm trying to move my stuff away from streaming to more things I'm interested in video

Andrew Tropin

It's really hard to talk on not very technical topics in English. I feel tired.

Andrew Tropin

It was very tempting to postpone the creation of the stream announce for tomorrow, when I will be fresh and rested, but I guess I'm stronger than my perfectionism.

Day 1: Architecutre Decision Records - Road to FOSS Buisness

Andrew Tropin

There were a lot of technical issues: OBS crashed a few times, I forgot to redeploy nginx restreaming config, peertube instance went down, but I still hugely enjoyed the stream!

Despite the issues, I felt calm, confident and comfortable.

Thank you everyone for participation and support, you are cool!

Andrew Tropin

I've been working as a FOSS developer full-time for almost 3 years new and I find it fulfilling, meaningful, enjoyable and just awesome.

Due to forced migration my expenses have increased significantly, my savings aren't infinite either, but I would like to keep working on FOSS full-time and to do so I decided to make an ethical sustainable business.

I don't know how to achieve it yet, but I'll be sharing my journey on the streams.

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David Wilson

@abcdw Good luck! I am also aiming to go independent this year and make a living from FOSS project work and creating educational content.

I'll be curious to see what you do! Let me know if there's any way I can help

Sahbak REPL

@abcdw good luck, too bad that you had to imigrate, but perhaps that also opened some opportunities, which hadn't been there before. Honestly, it's still a bit of a mystery to me how one can earn a living on FOSS, therefore I'll be following your progress very closely! 👍

Andrew Tropin

More work is happenning on distributed substitutes for GNU Guix!

It's one of the features I would really like to see implemented.

It brings us closer to the bright decentralized future and will make people from my country and other regions with censorship and restrictions to have access to great software.

Pavel Korytov :emacs: :guix:

@abcdw Interesting.

I suspect Guix will still need a few Curaiss instances, because there's so much stuff to build. But maybe this will make downtime of the CI servers less of an issue, if I understand the proposal correctly.

Andrew Tropin

I plan to stream #guix and #rde development and related topics every working day for one month.

A little intimidated.

David Wilson

@abcdw that'd be cool! I'd also love to stream more regularly but there's so little time


@abcdw Still stuck going from #rde img / #guix install to working rde system. One issue is that I still don't understand guix and the other is that I can't spend time until I cracked the nut in one sitting. So I'm starting over all the time - which was good for testing the rde img documentation ;)
Reminds me of around 20 years ago when I reinstalled #gentoo over and over until I got it working for me.

Andrew Tropin

I didn't write much code this week, but it still feels very productive. Wrote a plan for #rde, prepared ADR template, learned nginx deeper, drafted tests and tried to launch them in REPL for #guile and #guix.

But the most satisfying thing is that we got first commits pushed by a new rde co-maintainer conses! Congrats to him 🥳

Andrew Tropin

I have an account on #peertube instance for quite some time: @andrewtropin

Today I started importing the rest of my stream recordings to it.

Would you like to see me switching to it as my primary streaming platform?

Anonymous poll


16 people voted.
Voting ended 16 Jan 2023 at 6:25.

@abcdw @andrewtropin that would be cool, although I think it is a good idea to upload on multiple platforms so that more people can discover your videos.

I personally discovered your channel by searching "emacs" on youtube.


Yes, but actually no.
You could still publish your videos on youtube.

Andrew Tropin

Take a look at this slick looking website for guile proba test runner package by @luis_felipe!

Seeing such a quality web page for a test runner, gives a feeling that #guile is hugely popular and widespread if every piece of the ecosystem looks so polished.

Zelphir Kaltstahl

@abcdw @luis_felipe The number of times I saw some library or standard library thing in the Guile ecosystem and thought: "Oh that exists?!" … Always a pleasant surprise to find something awesome, but sometimes one wishes, one had found things earlier.

Like for example when I tried my hand at implementing function contracts and then it turned out, that there is already a port of how Racket does it for Guile …

Or recently I found guile-filesystem.

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