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6 posts total
Evan Boehs

its a lonely world out there

Evan Boehs

I'm not an AI researcher but my understanding is that LLMs work by modeling the relationship between words in a high dimensional space. Evidently, they're doing a really good job at this! AI forms good sentences!

To all the techbros trying to replace the internet and all of knowledge with ChatGPT, I say "instead of taking the average of well classified words, use the connections between words to find words written by humans!"

We should use embeddings for search. Good AI. No grift. Please.

Evan Boehs

Unfolding now:


An incredibly technically complex #backdoor in xz (potentially also in libarchive and elsewhere) was just discovered. This backdoor has been quietly implemented over years, with the assistance of a wide array of subtly interconnected accounts:


The timeline on this is going to take so long to unravel

#security #linux

Unfolding now:


An incredibly technically complex #backdoor in xz (potentially also in libarchive and elsewhere) was just discovered. This backdoor has been quietly implemented over years, with the assistance of a wide array of subtly interconnected accounts:

Evan Boehs

I have begun a post explaining this situation in a more detailed writeup. This is updating in realtime, and there is a lot still missing.

#security #xz #linux

Evan Boehs

"I propose that new projects choose a license from what I call the "Poison Pill" class. These are licenses that are so nonsensical that any entity with an actual legal department won't use them out of terror; however, normal, every day people have no such strict adherence to legalese and can enjoy them as the art they are in themselves." – @acdw

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@eb @acdw @vaurora

Love that “Don’t make fun of me” license 🥺


@eb @acdw I urgently need to start a few side projects to use some of these

Alex Schroeder

@eb @acdw I love that the list includes a license with actual advice: "You may not rewrite this software in Python 2." 😂

Evan Boehs

Imagine you have a dam. Fish want to get through the floodgates, but the gates are locked. You want to open the gates when a fish wants to pass through.

If you are a tech bro, you might say “we can use AI to solve this problem”

If you are the municipality of Utrecht, you instead say “what if we put a livestream of the canal on the internet and instructed viewers to push a button when they see one”

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Awesome idea!
I hope no one abuses it and floods something by continuously clicking on it :(

I've been watching it for 30mins, but sadly not seen any fish yet.

The videos have subtitles in english, which is nice:

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