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Evan Boehs

"I propose that new projects choose a license from what I call the "Poison Pill" class. These are licenses that are so nonsensical that any entity with an actual legal department won't use them out of terror; however, normal, every day people have no such strict adherence to legalese and can enjoy them as the art they are in themselves." – @acdw

Cecilie πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

@eb "May it guide us on our journey, like a
compass in the hands of a seasoned sailor, and may our code forever be free."

Cecilie πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

@eb I now have a severe need to license my work under one of these

Evan Boehs

@cvennevik I know right? Somebody asked my to put a license on something recently and I really am regretting AGPL

Daniel L

@eb @acdw My absolute favorite of these is the Pirate's License which goes something like this:

Use and distribution of this software is prohibited for any purpose.

Kartik Agaram

@eb @acdw A license that's an infohazard for lawyers, I can get behind that.


@eb @acdw @vaurora

Love that β€œDon’t make fun of me” license πŸ₯Ί


@eb @acdw I urgently need to start a few side projects to use some of these

Alex Schroeder

@eb @acdw I love that the list includes a license with actual advice: "You may not rewrite this software in Python 2." πŸ˜‚

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