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Evan Boehs


Fedi takes another huge win. I wonder what we'll find.

#trump #socialmedia


@eb sweet move ! lol mao I wonder what bugfixes have been missed and what sweet sweet vulns lurk beneath those swampy surfaces

Evan Boehs

@dch these unit tests are already proving to be a goldmine


@eb sigh the brain washing goes deep


@eb @dch somehow both predictable and unfathomable

Jonathan Yu

@eb lmao, you have the unusual distinction of being both the person I would *most* want to look at my code (bet you'd find a lot of interesting bugs πŸ› ) and the person I would *least* want to look at my code (maybe I don't wanna know πŸ™ˆ)

Hank G β˜‘οΈ
@eb I very much am looking forward to what you and/or others find out about the divergences in the code base...
Scott Williams 🐧

@eb My goodness, there's a lot going on in 2 commits.

Evan Boehs

@vwbusguy trump's developer army is incredibly productive. think about all the value they provide to shareholders

Evan Boehs

@vwbusguy they use it to make it look like they care about preventing hate speech by making racists put a space somewhere in their n-words. Could be used for a whole host of other things as well, though

Grant Gulovsen

@eb I suspect this will turn out to be a much bigger deal than people currently realize, but even if it doesn't I commend you for taking these steps. And you're absolutely right about the power issue - the fact that individuals can force billion (at least on paper πŸ˜‚) dollar companies to comply with the terms of open-source licenses is huge.

Luke Harby

@eb fantastic phrasing

"In these places, their version of the truth can proliferate without the moderation they’ve grown to despise."

Yuchen Pei
So it has code from both mastodon and pleroma? That is quite strange.
🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼

Laughing here! Good work, well, this will make for a good reason for 🍿

Evan Boehs

@jasmin excellent, I was hoping somebody would do this! I’ll add a section to my article to link to external analysis as soon as I get back to my computer


@jasmin @eb tiny typo, nontechnical: "immeditately". Fascinating read. :-)


@Phyxis thank you, gonna fix all the typos and grammar issues later on :3




"Both #gab and #TruthSocial have been identified as derivative work of #Mastodon, and hence both are bound by the provisions of the AGPL. "

The source code:

#trump #socialmedia #GPL

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