Analyzing Every #Clojure Project on Github
Analyzing Every #Clojure Project on Github China successfully tests powerful rocket engine for moon landing Monocraft: a programming font based on the typeface used in Minecraft Having an income no longer allows people to buy actual housing in US, instead they're reduced to buying virtual housing in the metaverse. Retired US general Mark Kimmitt: Beginning the diplomatic resolution would be distasteful, and perhaps seen as defeatist, but as there is little chance of climbing out of the current morass, it may be better to negotiate now than later. @yogthos frankly it's not that black and white. If you visit countries like The Netherlands, the highways, car/bike roads, urban streets are by far the best quality I've ever seen. And while they do last they also need maintenance from the sheer amount of traffic they receive (especially highways). What happens in the US of the free and dumb or elsewhere in that end of the spectrum is not representative. Marx madness is a good podcast that summarizes capital chapter by chapter XTDB ‘Core2’ is an experimental, SQL-first, immutable database concept
The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse Massive protests in Prague against EU and NATO. Just imagine the kind of reporting we'd see in western media if this was Cuba or Venezuela. @yogthos En Cuba una protesta tan masiva contra el statu quo del país sería noticia mundial porque son tipificadas como delito hasta de sedición. Las del año pasado, mucho menores, se saldaron con casi 300 a cárcel efectiva. @yogthos Örneğin Küba'da olsa en hafif başlık 'Küba halkı sosyalizme karşı sokaklarda' olurdu. Bizdeki ağzı açık ayran delileri olaya 'sosyalizm bitti abi ya' düşünsel derinliğinde katılırdı. Tens of thousands protest in Prague against Czech government, EU and NATO OpenGOAL: Reviving the Language that Brought us the Jak & Daxter Series |