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Massive protests in Prague against EU and NATO. Just imagine the kind of reporting we'd see in western media if this was Cuba or Venezuela.

César Flores Huallpa

@yogthos En Cuba una protesta tan masiva contra el statu quo del país sería noticia mundial porque son tipificadas como delito hasta de sedición. Las del año pasado, mucho menores, se saldaron con casi 300 a cárcel efectiva.


@unosorojo I have friends from Cuba, and the main reason we don't see protests like that against the government is because it has mass public support

César Flores Huallpa

@yogthos Bueno, es bastante obvio con esa foto de perfil que no podría tener otro tipo de amigos en Cuba que no dijeran eso


We, the Spaniards, stand in solidarity with Ukraine every day. Its cool, right?
But that happens in the bar. The reality is another.: in 1986 the government called the only referendum of the current "democracy" and the result of the vote declared that Spain didn´t want to be in NATO. We didn´t like gangsters.

The government did whatever it wanted, and we are still the "bad guys" in the movie. 36 years later, nothing has changed.

PS: Franco, the dictator, died in 1975. ¿?

We, the Spaniards, stand in solidarity with Ukraine every day. Its cool, right?
But that happens in the bar. The reality is another.: in 1986 the government called the only referendum of the current "democracy" and the result of the vote declared that Spain didn´t want to be in NATO. We didn´t like gangsters.


@yogthos Örneğin Küba'da olsa en hafif başlık 'Küba halkı sosyalizme karşı sokaklarda' olurdu. Bizdeki ağzı açık ayran delileri olaya 'sosyalizm bitti abi ya' düşünsel derinliğinde katılırdı.
Bazıları olayı Stalin'e bağlardı.
Ülkemizin düşünce dünyasını çöle çevirdiler. Liberal ahmaklar bunun meyvesini yiyor

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