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Daniel Bohrer

@sundogplanets goat morning to you too!

Carrie Shanafelt

@sundogplanets That is one smug baby goat! It's so gratifying to see happy confident little goats.

Prof. Sam Lawler

The only feeling I have about starship is dread.

They want to use that to launch batches of HUNDREDS of Starlinks at once. And guess where all those Starlinks will end up? The pieces that don't make it to the ground will end up in our upper atmosphere, screwing up the stratosphere, the ozone layer, who knows what else because SpaceX isn't required to do any environmental assessments of this.

Shit. Maybe a good time to post this essay I wrote yet again:

The only feeling I have about starship is dread.

They want to use that to launch batches of HUNDREDS of Starlinks at once. And guess where all those Starlinks will end up? The pieces that don't make it to the ground will end up in our upper atmosphere, screwing up the stratosphere, the ozone layer, who knows what else because SpaceX isn't required to do any environmental assessments of this.

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Extinction Studies

@sundogplanets What if we had legislation on the books that NASA or the FAA or the EPA had to do an environmental assessment themselves before they could grant approval? And that it had to be rigorous, complete and public? And that specific enviro standards had to be met before approval could be granted?

Prof. Sam Lawler

Muting this thread now because the mansplaining ratio has gotten way too high!



And screwing up the view for ground based astronomers.

Prof. Sam Lawler

Every chance I've had to interact with satellite operators in conferences, I've asked them about their plans for dealing with solar storms (I'm particularly worried about Starlink, which requires dozens of maneuvers per day to avoid collisions. What if a large fraction shuts down for a few hours?!)

The universal response to my inquiries has been "Don't worry about that, it'll be fine!"

I guess we're going to find out very soon.

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James Wells

Yeah, I am especially worried about Starlink during this event. And given how closely / densely they operate I worry about a low grade and low altitude Kessler event.

Prof. Sam Lawler

I am talking o a reporter about this in a couple hours:

This is about an hour away from my farm, so this'll be a fun conversation, and yet another great opportunity to tell a lot of people about what a huge problem we have with unregulated commercialization of orbit. (Also I just redid my slides for my public talk next week, this is going in!)

Prof. Sam Lawler

Interview done. I emailed Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 to ask if he had info on a possible reentry, and he immediately found it, and even had the ground track already calculated! Thank you for this meticulous tracking, Jonathan! (Because the satellite companies sure as shit aren't sharing this info!)

It was a Dragon Trunk from the Axios 3 mission, reentered on Feb 26. The reporter is going to send me contact info for the farmer who found it, so at least I can tell him what it is.

Prof. Sam Lawler

Chickies looking good, growing some lovely wing feathers already

Prof. Sam Lawler

Really great (absolutely terrifying) research by plasma physicist @carlysagan is being highlighted today on

Is there *anything* that tens of thousands of disposable satellites won't completely fuck up?

Satellite companies need to stop launching until they fund research on the upper atmosphere and magnetosphere(!) and show their plans are safe ( probably impossible since they aren't safe).


@sundogplanets @carlysagan It’s ironic that the Van Allen belts were discovered in IGY just as the satellite era started. we’ve deorbited a lot of stuff over the last 60 years. Is there any evidence for changes in charged particles over that time?


@sundogplanets @carlysagan

the image they posted is alarming. in reality there is much more space between each satellite, enough to have such a minor impact on magnetic fields. If anything It'd push CMEs and other electro-magnetic phenomenon away from earth, as our gravitational surface is now wider.

[is not a physicist, nor an expert of any kind]

Prof. Sam Lawler

Time to update my satellite pollution talk.

There are ~500 more Starlink satellites today than when I gave this talk in July.

4,924 Starlinks in orbit now (56% of the total 8,728 active satellites in orbit).

Just your periodic reminder that one private company owned by one pretty awful dude effectively controls outer space now.

Prof. Sam Lawler

I just had to update my numbers for a lecture, so here's your periodic reminder: Starlink is now 55% of ALL active satellites in orbit.

And given the recent news about that awful billionaire unilaterally deciding to cut of Starlink internet access to parts of the world whenever he wants to, this is extra important to share. Why did our governments effectively gift Low Earth Orbit to one awful dude? This is so bad.

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@sundogplanets Q: how did Musk know the Ukrainian mission was underway? Weren't the drone transmissions encrypted?

Dane Peterson

@sundogplanets Let's not forget that one awful dude also owns the only way we have to get astronauts to and from the ISS right now.

Well, him and Russia, I suppose, technically.

Jake in the desert

@sundogplanets because governments always cater to money? Just my own guess. πŸ˜‘

Prof. Sam Lawler

I took a mid-morning nature sanity break and GOSH I'm so grateful I can go snowshoeing through *this* from my back door! It's freaking cold here, but gives great rewards!

Prof. Sam Lawler

Today is a lot of bouncing back and forth between Zoom meetings with students, a local news interview about aligned planets, maybe a little writing, and over and over checking on my last pregnant mama goat who was due yesterday. Hopefully more goat babies soon!

Prof. Sam Lawler

2 girls! More pictures later when they're not so goopy looking

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