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Prof. Sam Lawler

Really great (absolutely terrifying) research by plasma physicist @carlysagan is being highlighted today on

Is there *anything* that tens of thousands of disposable satellites won't completely fuck up?

Satellite companies need to stop launching until they fund research on the upper atmosphere and magnetosphere(!) and show their plans are safe ( probably impossible since they aren't safe).


@sundogplanets @carlysagan It’s ironic that the Van Allen belts were discovered in IGY just as the satellite era started. we’ve deorbited a lot of stuff over the last 60 years. Is there any evidence for changes in charged particles over that time?


@sundogplanets @carlysagan

the image they posted is alarming. in reality there is much more space between each satellite, enough to have such a minor impact on magnetic fields. If anything It'd push CMEs and other electro-magnetic phenomenon away from earth, as our gravitational surface is now wider.

[is not a physicist, nor an expert of any kind]

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