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600 posts total
War and Peas 🧿

Collab with Rewriting Extinction and BBC Earth!

Ever felt… out of place? Some trees feel the same way! Let’s plant native trees where they belong, so they can grow up to be strong, carbon-storing forests that work in perfect synergy!

In association with Moondance Foundation. Animation by Cut The Mustard

Doug Webb

@warandpeas exciting! Very cool collaboration. I found the text speed quite hard to read in time... I think there's this rule that the text should be there twice as long as it takes to read? I especially found the first paragraph on the final slide tricky to read.

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This could be an analogy for so many problems in the world! Where to start...


@warandpeas is it just me or does the S sign on the cape look like it could also be a $ ? Would make the analogy to billionaires even more obvious



Premature ejaculated, just that one time, honestly! You don't remember that do you?


Oh, this takes me back to high school. One of my classmate's handwriting was so bad that it could best be described as a crime against humanity. On occasion, even he himself couldn't read parts of his own handwritten notes a day after he took them.

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