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47 posts total
tillian told depression to die


pronouns are john/mastodon


tillian told depression to die

oh my god this is the best thing i've ever made. such an innovative design. so eye-catching. perfection exists and its name is john mastodon

tillian told depression to die

oh no a new wave of twitter folks are coming! BRACE FOR IMPACT!

tillian told depression to die

flat earthers when they realize they've been breathing air from the atmosphere and not the atmoflat:

tillian told depression to die

me cracking stupid dad jokes I know, a thread:

tillian told depression to die

a man walks into the zoo. the only animal in the entire zoo is a single dog. it's a shitzu.

tillian told depression to die

when i said i wanted my life to be like a book i didn't mean the fucking handmaid's tale

tillian told depression to die

hey guys, one of my friends is an ukrainian queer refugee that is currenty residing in Germany with his mother that has chronic health problems. they're near Munich, in Ergolding.

they have been experiencing troubles with housing and healthcare.

does anybody know any services or groups that help find a place to stay and medical assistance for ukrainian refugees in this area? please provide contacts and links.

this question is time sensitive, we have a week or so. please share.

Mina :veripawed2:

@tillianisafox im from the neighboring state, I only (kinda) know stuff thats in my area,im sorry that I can't help more, but i'll boost ur post

tillian told depression to die

the most disarming and powerless feeling in the world is watching a fellow peron suffer and not knowing how to help them

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tillianisafox That's what I'm feeling looking at some of your posts

tillian told depression to die

I always mix "a" and "the" up sighhh

those are so confusing

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tillianisafox Смотри. Представь себе тренировку по футболу. Куча людей, пинает кучу мячиков, ты среди них.

У нас есть мячик, мячик и мячик.

Мячик как философский концепт, мячик как любой мячик вообще, и конкретно футбольный мячик с черными пятиугольниками, который ты забиваешь в ворота.

I play ball - Я играю в мячик, нет артикля.

I kicked a ball - Я пнул (какой-то; любой; неважно какой) мячик

I aimed at the ball with black pentagons on it and kicked it, sending it behind the goalposts. - Я прицелился (в совершенно конкретный) мячик с черными пятиугольниками, и забил его в (совершенно конкретные) ворота.

Так от.

@tillianisafox Смотри. Представь себе тренировку по футболу. Куча людей, пинает кучу мячиков, ты среди них.

У нас есть мячик, мячик и мячик.

Мячик как философский концепт, мячик как любой мячик вообще, и конкретно футбольный мячик с черными пятиугольниками, который ты забиваешь в ворота.

I play ball - Я играю в мячик, нет артикля.

tillian told depression to die

mastodon is better than hive because we are open software and we have furry engineers

tillian told depression to die he fired the guy who was responsible for the keycards in the building. and then he calls them back to fix the issue. after firing them.

i have to overcome my desire to laugh.

tillian told depression to die



I know that it is probably not so good since I recorded it on my phone in my living room but please listen to it and I am glad to receive criticism if any

thank you!!

tillian told depression to die

I'm bisexual which means I like sex and sex

*wacky guitar solo*

@tillianisafox I was going to find a funny joke post I boosted a long time ago about bisexuality as being only attracted to bigender people but I can't find it so... kinda retelling it :QueerCatHeart_Bisexual:
tillian told depression to die

since today is the guy fawkes day,

a polite reminder

fuck the rich and the cops

tillian told depression to die

in a sense, the ai art support propaganda has been most successfully instilled in people who have very little knowledge in tech or have never been artists or creators at all.

they agree with the most pretentious elon musk-esque garbage, because they do not understand the whole ugliness of the situation, and, being little interested in both art and the fate of those that produce it now, they do not notice what is happening around.

tillian told depression to die

if you support ai art gtfo from my fucking page.

tillian told depression to die

I hate you.

I hate to see you support the capitalist machine of greed that destroys my future.

Leave your bullshit for someone else.

tillian told depression to die

putin's speech is fucking infuriating

tillian told depression to die

he basically annexes other country's territory and says "gender satan bible western satanism america they want TO KILL US!!!!"

he is absolutely delusional

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