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47 posts total
tillian told depression to die

you may not be interested in politics but politics is very interested in you

tillian told depression to die

бляяяять я так устал сукааа

tillian told depression to die



tillian told depression to die


#CopCity #BLM #stopCopCity #ACAB


@tillianisafox in America "terrorism" just means inconveniencing a private corporation. There was a case near me where a guy drove a large truck straight into crowds of people because he didn't like their political views, but that was never considered an act of fact, he wasn't charged with *anything* despite sending several people to the hospital...because he was a prison guard who did this on his way to work.

tillian told depression to die

people be like "it's just a phase" as if impermanence means insignificance. show me a permanent state of the self

tillian told depression to die

you know I feel like the whole "civilized protest" rhetoric is being pushed because it barely challenges the hierarchy and the system

at our protests people were setting police stations and administrative buildings on fire (based) and this is the same thing that happened during Floyd protests, and yet the reactionary rhetoric is all the same: "domestic terrorists, unlawful protesters, uncivilized, barbarian people" etc

tillian told depression to die

so cops and the military killed tons of people and that was shrugged off as them being heroes, killing ordinary folk. wow

tillian told depression to die

so. a russian political oppositioner and activist ekaterina schulmann (who is a liberal (not left-wing though, at least not entirely)) escaped to kazakhstan. i have been following her for a long time because despite the fact she is not leftist she raised some interesting points against putin.

and nothing would be wrong if she didn't say shit about our politics while being completely oblivious and racist.

a thread, a vent, an outrage.🧵 (1/?)

tillian told depression to die

to those unaware of the power dynamics in play, let me explain:

kazakhstan is a country that borders with russia and pretty much russia as a country has been exploiting and abusing us in some way or another. first as a monarchist empire, then Soviet Union came.

russia as a country is pretty conservative, very militarized and VERY racist. it's like america, but in post soviet bloc. except even worse arguably. (2/?)

tillian told depression to die

i saw this picture on pinterest and my life has not known peace ever since

Ави Кафазен

Ты сделал этот вечер ещё более угарным. Спасибо

tillian told depression to die

the fact that my laptop battery isn't removable is a crime

tillian told depression to die

i hate how i watch some gun videos on youtube and it instantly thinks i'm some kind of a republican or a fasci. no i am just a gun nerd

tillian told depression to die

hey artists of mastodon!!!

I am a beginner artist and I want to learn how to create 2d art, however, I don't know many good resources where I can learn artistic skills, and those that I have at my disposal are usually just youtube tutorials which I don't know how to apply to my practical experience. is there a systematic way to learn how to draw art, where should i start and get the anatomy/perspective right? any resources?

thank you

#mastodonArt #art #artists #artAdvice #illustration

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@tillianisafox My greatest and biggest tips for art would be to learn the rules before you start breaking them, and also to go for what appeals to you the most.
Don't be afraid to experiment and ask for help in specific areas.

Maxwell (it)

@tillianisafox I've been looking at doing the course at for a while, just to really drill in the drawing fundamentals. There is something of a hierarchy of skills that you need to develop and it seems like drawing courses in general have different ways of teaching them. But things like making clear marks and arranging forms in 3D space and perspective take precedence over human anatomy in any case.

I've been a bit sick though and haven't made much progress so far.

tillian told depression to die

btw that's not my quote I saw it on a graffiti when I was on a vacation abroad

tillian told depression to die

the amount of production that the industry puts into churning hundreds of thousands of short-lived, unsustainable, fast products could have been used to create so many much more reliable and long-lived ones. imagine how much metal and silicon we wasted on iphones that die after a year or two when we could've made a phone that lasts for decades and is regularly updated/can be DIY modified.

tillian told depression to die

or like, have you heard of fast fashion? so many jeans and hoodies, t shirts and bras that tear apart after a few months. so much material and labor wasted.

tillian told depression to die

fuck around and find out is literally the scientific method


@tillianisafox yup! just gotta write it all down, otherwise how else is someone gonna fuck around the exact way you did to try and replicate your results? :blobyeengrin:

tillian told depression to die

i am going to start calling the gynecologist diploma the pussy license and no one's gonna stop me

tillian told depression to die

i know that slut/slutet means "the end" in swedish but i literally have no idea how to compose myself when seeing this image

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Gurre Vildskägg

Lilla My would totally do this intentionally.


@tillianisafox @witchy I just did a mini lesson with my Latin students about how cum (with) sex (6) and facit (makes) are all normal words and they just have to get over it.


@tillianisafox She looks either too young or too old for a 29 yo

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