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4 posts total

If I don't agree, I cannot use the TV that was ALREADY PURCHASED UNDER A DIFFERENT AGREEMENT!

And I just read some of it. I don't agree.
I want my money back. The TV we bought did not have this forced agreement.

That's it! I'm fucking done. My next "TV" is just going to be a monitor. I don't want anymore smarts in what's just being used as a display

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Cinnamon The Moth
@hellomiakoda life hack: Linux box plugged to non-smart tv


Why do I sense a back to basics movement? Today, a monitor and a NUC suffice. A tuner would be fine for broadcast.


@hellomiakoda name and shame! name and shame! what tv is it?



That who "iT's GnU+lInUx" crap drives me nuts.
We all know its Gnu unless it isn't. Nobody cares to announce the Gnu part.
Like, FFS.


Ah #Linux, the problem solving OS!
So I connected to tailscale in attempts to use sshfs with my primary laptop back home. I even left that laptop running with sleep disabled. Oh no, I forget to start tailscale on it. So, I used another machine on my network to shh to that laptop and start tailscale. I could've used that same machine to sshfs with the laptop via routes, but that machine is slower, and is busy, so sshfs directly with the target machine is much better.


You're not going to convince me Windows is better while I have access to my primary machine's 4 drives from some random food cart I found AND using this same connection as my VPN that I don't need to pay for. Sorry, Windows sucks ass. Maybe it CAN do this, but not easily enough that I've bothered to find it.


People who are pro-capitalism aren't swayed by the suffering of others. So how about a big thread on a bunch of "1st world" ways capitalism has fucked you!


I was downright careless with my old Nokia, and it never failed. I kept it a long time too.
Capitalism has convinced you you need a new, thin, expensive, fragile smartphone every 2 to 4 years. You didn't break your old one, miraculously. So why is it a slow piece of shit now? Did you change what you do on your phone all that much in 2 to 4 years? Aren't you still just messaging and scrolling social media?

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